Monday, November 24, 2008

Life is Beautiful...

...sometimes I just need to remind myself. I have so many things to be Thankful for. I also have soooo much to do and I don't have any energy to do it. So I just needed to take a break and refocus on what I need to get done.

We have to paint the nursery (I've been trying to do this for weeks) but now that it's so close to my due date we thought we should get that special non-toxic paint. So Joel went and got it and then called to tell me that it cost 100 bones. *sigh* So, let me set the scene for you: right before the phone call I had just gotten home from a walk so I was really tired and sore, I was looking all over for Mikayla's stupid binky (we have 5 of them, but she chucks them out and I end up playing hide and go seek with a binky for an hour), and Mikayla was in her high chair eating yogart. Then he called and right after he told me how much the paint cost she decided to throw her yogart across the room...I just had to cry..that's all I could do. But like Joel said "There's no use crying over spilled paint".

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mikayla's Two!!

My little baby girl is no longer quite so little or a baby any more. On Saturday she turned the big 2. Mikayla had a great second birthday (yeah!! Redemption!). Her first birthday was...well...we won't go there. I really wanted to make this one special for her. Joel and I got her a tricycle and left it in the living room the night before for her to find when she woke up.

(yes..this is what her hair looks like every morning.)

Then a little later we had her friends come over and we had a big bouncer there for them to play in.

Then they came inside to sing happy birthday to Mikayla (you should have seen her little face light up when she saw that everybody was singing just for her!) as we brought out her "happy cake" (I frosted it to look like a bee...sort of) and the other kids ate cupcakes (decorated as little lady bugs and bees), dirt cake (chocolate pudding with crushed oreo's on top and gummy worms), gold fish, pretzel's and juice boxes.

Then she opened up presents (it was cute to see all the kids gathered around her to "help"). By the end she was soooo tired, but she didn't go to mom...or dad. No she grabbed her blankie and binkie and went to one of her favorite people: her uncle Ryan.

I've always loved birthdays and I hope that I can make each of her's a truly special day!

Baby Shower!

Friday night my friends threw me a baby shower! It was so sweet of them. We played games, gabbed, and most importantly we ate (and I ate...and ate, and ate). It wasn't my fault!! They had chocolate (and lots of it)!!! Also, my friend cheri, who happens to make my own personal cryptnyte- the best caramel apples iN tHe WoRLd- brought some...along with those delicious oreo cookie am not looking forward to stepping on the scale at my next dr,'s appointment. I got lots-o-loot (it pays to have a friend who works at the Children's Place!hehe), I was able to see friends I haven't seen in a was great. I tried to play it off like it wasn't a big deal, but it meant more to me than just getting stuff and eating good food. If you know my story, you know that I consider any baby I have to be a miracle. The fact that Joel and I were able to have this baby so soon after Mikayla was really exciting. It's so heart warming and so special to have such wonderful friends there to support and celebrate this journey and blessing with me. Thank you sooooo much!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Artificial Memory

I have a new hobby! Actually, it's more like a really expensive memory. My husband and I purchased a great camera so I can take pictures of my family, friends, and everything else I want to remember. I'm not very good at it yet, but I'm learning. Today my friend and I went to the park where I took some pics of her little boy (my daughter's best friend). Here is the one I like the best:

Like I said, I'm not very good yet...but I do need practice. So if you want me to take your Christmas pics just let me know!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Mikayla had a pretty good Halloween this year. She went as her favorite Princess: Cinderella. We went to a "trunk or treat" on Wednesday- she was a little hesitant at first...

but she quickly got the hang of it after she realized they were giving her CANDY!! She went around with her arm out ready and waiting, saying trick or treat and thank you.

Then on Halloween we went trick or treating around the block with some friends of ours. We had to leave early to go to Grandma's house to take pictures with the cousins. I think the highlight of Mikayla's night was riding in her cousin Abby's Princess car. It had a radio and everything. It was pretty sweet. The tricky part was getting her out of the car and inside for pictures. I swear..I must have done her hair at least 50 times that night!! She didn't want me to touch it and she kept taking of her crown...some princess she was...

We didn't take a picture of me, but I was Cinderella's pumpkin. Joel didn't have to dress up, he's always been her prince charming (the song on my playlist says it all).