Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Once again I'm using this as a journal. I don't really want to talk about it, but I feel like it's something I need to document. Today started out really well. Mikayla and I made happy face pancakes (she was a huge help), then I actually managed to get all 3 of us bathed and ready for the day, and I picked up the house (yeah! all of the pine needles are gone!)...then I got a phone call from the pediatrician that went like this:
"Hello. this is Dr. A, is this Hunter's mom"
"Yep!" I reply cheerfully
"We just received the results from one of the tests that was taken at the hospital. It looks like Hunter tested positive for cystic fibrosis"
"Oh" what?!
"We need to do further testing to either confirm he has it or not"
"Oh, um...okay" I choke out.
"You have to do something called a sweat test. You get this done at either St. Joe's or the Phoenix children's hospital. We'll set up an appointment and then call you back"
It went on a little longer, but at this point I couldn't really say much due to my throat not permitting me to speak. Then I googled cystic fibrosis. Things like having an average life expectancy of 37 and life threatening infections just slapped me in the face. The newborn screen doesn't mean he has it for sure. We'll find out after the sweat test. You never expect that any of the tests they do will come back with a bad result...I never even paid attention to the tests that were being taken. My perfect little boy. My sweet, precious miracle might have to suffer and that is more than I can take right now...or ever take. I've been praying constantly that he in fact doesn't have this disease. I've been so blessed and have so much. Please, please take something away from me...just don't let my baby suffer. Please.
I don't really know what to think. But I'm scared. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hunter's Birth Story

The Story ***TMI ALERT***
I'm writing this down for me. If you want to read it, feel free (I like reading other people's stories), but don't say I didn't warn you!
Okay, so I guess I should write this down before I forget the whole story (ha...like I could forget it, 14.5" head is all I'm gonna say. ouch!). Well, it started Sunday night around 11pm (to everyone who told me not to worry "I'll know when I'm having a contraction"...thanks for nothing). My back was uncomfortable and they were coming regularly..but that's it! So, I decided (after an hour or so of timing them, they were 6 minutes apart) that if I could sleep through them then they must not be "real". So I went to bed, waking up as Joel was about to leave. I had some more contractions...a little stronger, about 3 or 4 minutes apart, but I still wasn't convinced...until my water broke. Then it clicked "I've been having contractions every few minutes apart and my water just broke, I think I should get to the Hospital, and soon!" So I called Joel and told him to come back home. The contractions still weren't bad, it was pretty easy just to breathe through them. In the car they were 3 minutes apart and walking into the hospital I had to stop in the parking lot to breathe thru them, but it still wasn't too bad. Then they took me to triage (about 7:30) where they started coming on faster (like every 2 minutes, or closer..I'm not really sure) and a lot stronger. She checked me pretty much right away since they were so close, and I was already at a 7. She hurried and tried to ask me questions but there wasn't much time. She asked if I wanted an epidural and I said "no" (I knew that this was the transitional phase and wouldn't last too long), but then I started to get scared because, while I had been saying I wanted a natural birth, now the reality set in that it was actually going to happen. Holy Hannah. She quickly wheeled me to the delivery room (right next door) and more nurses came in. They told me to move to the other bed...hahaha...right. I stood up (barely) and rolled onto the bed where I stayed sideways clutching the rail. Then the urge to push came and it was so intense that I can't even begin to describe it. And it hurt....a lot. I remember being extremely cold and thirsty (and mad because nobody would get me any dang water!). I remeber not getting into the position they wanted me in, but staying on my side thru it all. I remember screaming for someone to help me, and my sweet husband telling me not to worry that the doctor was there now while he stroked my back. I remember looking into my nurses eyes as she told me to breathe in and out and "blow away the pain" and I remember another nurse telling me to "Push like I mean it" (which she was promptly rewarded with the look of death, I'm sure). Then, just like that it was over. And I was exhausted, cold, thirsty, and completely in love with my new little boy...all 8 lbs 9oz of him and even his giant head. I was bleeding more than "they would like to see" so they gave my pitocin which didn't help so they gave me a shot of something else (which worked). From the time I realized I was in labor (6:30 am) to the time I had him (8:24 am) everything went very smoothly and I couldn't have asked for a better experience...except if I had to do it again, I would bring my own dang water.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Keeping Busy

Well, I'm still preggers (and yes, my edd was Friday- I guess that's why it's called "expected" due date not "certain"). So to keep myself from going insane, I've been getting ready for Christmas- getting all of the shopping done...a little too much shopping. Also, I've always wanted ornaments that had some meaning behind them and that represented each year we've been a family, so I decided to make mini double sided scrapbook ornaments:

So far I've completed years 2003-2007. If you want to know what I used to make them (it was important to make them unbreakable since there happens to be a 2 year old who likes to knock the tree over running loose in my house), then I'll post it on pumpkin patch a little later.

My mom also came down this weekend to help me out with last minute baby stuff- and she painted the nursery for me!! So, my bags are packed, clothes are washed, nursery (almost) done, and the house is pretty much clean...any time he's ready I am too! We still need a name..but we'll probably have to wait until he's here.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Don't forget to check out my craft blog pumpkinpatchscrap.blogspot.com! (Oh, and I'm still pg).

Monday, December 1, 2008

Sonoran Museum

Giving Grandpa a big smile

"No, I will not give you my sippy cup. I want to ruin your pretty picture, mom"

Where'd the turtles go?
This was Thanksgiving week. I'll go into more detail later, I just wanted everyone to know that I'm still here, doing well, and still preggers.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Life is Beautiful...

...sometimes I just need to remind myself. I have so many things to be Thankful for. I also have soooo much to do and I don't have any energy to do it. So I just needed to take a break and refocus on what I need to get done.

We have to paint the nursery (I've been trying to do this for weeks) but now that it's so close to my due date we thought we should get that special non-toxic paint. So Joel went and got it and then called to tell me that it cost 100 bones. *sigh* So, let me set the scene for you: right before the phone call I had just gotten home from a walk so I was really tired and sore, I was looking all over for Mikayla's stupid binky (we have 5 of them, but she chucks them out and I end up playing hide and go seek with a binky for an hour), and Mikayla was in her high chair eating yogart. Then he called and right after he told me how much the paint cost she decided to throw her yogart across the room...I just had to cry..that's all I could do. But like Joel said "There's no use crying over spilled paint".

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mikayla's Two!!

My little baby girl is no longer quite so little or a baby any more. On Saturday she turned the big 2. Mikayla had a great second birthday (yeah!! Redemption!). Her first birthday was...well...we won't go there. I really wanted to make this one special for her. Joel and I got her a tricycle and left it in the living room the night before for her to find when she woke up.

(yes..this is what her hair looks like every morning.)

Then a little later we had her friends come over and we had a big bouncer there for them to play in.

Then they came inside to sing happy birthday to Mikayla (you should have seen her little face light up when she saw that everybody was singing just for her!) as we brought out her "happy cake" (I frosted it to look like a bee...sort of) and the other kids ate cupcakes (decorated as little lady bugs and bees), dirt cake (chocolate pudding with crushed oreo's on top and gummy worms), gold fish, pretzel's and juice boxes.

Then she opened up presents (it was cute to see all the kids gathered around her to "help"). By the end she was soooo tired, but she didn't go to mom...or dad. No she grabbed her blankie and binkie and went to one of her favorite people: her uncle Ryan.

I've always loved birthdays and I hope that I can make each of her's a truly special day!

Baby Shower!

Friday night my friends threw me a baby shower! It was so sweet of them. We played games, gabbed, and most importantly we ate (and I ate...and ate, and ate). It wasn't my fault!! They had chocolate (and lots of it)!!! Also, my friend cheri, who happens to make my own personal cryptnyte- the best caramel apples iN tHe WoRLd- brought some...along with those delicious oreo cookie truffles....man....I am not looking forward to stepping on the scale at my next dr,'s appointment. I got lots-o-loot (it pays to have a friend who works at the Children's Place!hehe), I was able to see friends I haven't seen in a while..it was great. I tried to play it off like it wasn't a big deal, but it meant more to me than just getting stuff and eating good food. If you know my story, you know that I consider any baby I have to be a miracle. The fact that Joel and I were able to have this baby so soon after Mikayla was really exciting. It's so heart warming and so special to have such wonderful friends there to support and celebrate this journey and blessing with me. Thank you sooooo much!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Artificial Memory

I have a new hobby! Actually, it's more like a really expensive memory. My husband and I purchased a great camera so I can take pictures of my family, friends, and everything else I want to remember. I'm not very good at it yet, but I'm learning. Today my friend and I went to the park where I took some pics of her little boy (my daughter's best friend). Here is the one I like the best:

Like I said, I'm not very good yet...but I do need practice. So if you want me to take your Christmas pics just let me know!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Mikayla had a pretty good Halloween this year. She went as her favorite Princess: Cinderella. We went to a "trunk or treat" on Wednesday- she was a little hesitant at first...

but she quickly got the hang of it after she realized they were giving her CANDY!! She went around with her arm out ready and waiting, saying trick or treat and thank you.

Then on Halloween we went trick or treating around the block with some friends of ours. We had to leave early to go to Grandma's house to take pictures with the cousins. I think the highlight of Mikayla's night was riding in her cousin Abby's Princess car. It had a radio and everything. It was pretty sweet. The tricky part was getting her out of the car and inside for pictures. I swear..I must have done her hair at least 50 times that night!! She didn't want me to touch it and she kept taking of her crown...some princess she was...

We didn't take a picture of me, but I was Cinderella's pumpkin. Joel didn't have to dress up, he's always been her prince charming (the song on my playlist says it all).

Friday, October 17, 2008

Singing in Bed

I thought I'd write about some of the things Mikayla loves at this very moment:

The Aquabats -I just put her down for a nap, so I have the moniter on and she keeps singing "Powdered Milkman". I thought I'd put some Aquabats on my playlist so you can hear them for yourselves. They didn't have the song that she was singing, but these are a few of her faves. Oh, and these guys are a perfect example of what "Ska" is.

Bugs- My friends little girls has a lady bug costume and she let Mikayla borrow it. I couldn't get the dang thing off of her all day yesterday!!

Baseball- I bought a Cubs onesie for the new baby...she saw it and had to wear it. Once again...I couldn't get it off of her (needless to say, we hide a lot of things).
Thomas the Train- Has to do everything with her trains, she must have them when she goes to bed.

and speaking of going to bed...she loves to pretend to go "Night, night" in our bed. She gets all comfy cozy under the blankets, pretends to give a huge yawn, and then pretends to snore. The funny part is she has to have mommy or daddy there. The picture actually includes Joel tucked in a baseball blanket holding a dolly- now that is a sign of a real man (and a dang good daddy)!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hair Dilemma

Okay, so I reeaaalllly want to get my hair done. BUT I can't decide if I should just hang tight for a year or two and wait for it to grow out and just learn how to work with it until it's the length I want, or if I should cut it. So...I'm putting it up for a vote.

Long (taken 5 years ago):

Short (taken after I had Mikayla..so almost 2 years ago):

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Waffles, dirty handprints and the circus

There's at least one family tradition from my youth that I'm glad to keep alive in my own family today. Every conference Sunday my mom would wake up and make us waffles with strawberries and whipped cream (yummy!) to eat while we watched. I love traditions and I'm so excited to start some of my own. Picking out pumpkins at a pumpkin patch and then carving them, craft projects and special breakfasts and dinners for all of the Holidays...so fun!

I absolutley loved President Monson's talk during the first session of conference. He told a story about how when he was a boy his dad had promised to take him and his brother to the circus. When the day finally came his dad recieved a phone call where he was told that there was some urgent business matter that needed to be attended to and he was asked if he could go into the office. His dad told them that he couldn't and then returned to the breakfast table where his family had been intently listening to the phone conversation. His mom looked at his dad and said "You could have gone in. The circus will come around again." His dad quickly replied "Yes. But childhood does not."

He said that we need to treasure the little moments and enjoy the journey of life. I absolutely love this. I look at my daughter and I see how fast she's growing up and it makes me want to make sure that I take the time to truly enjoy each phase she's in. If you ever get the chance to see my bedroom, you'll probably wonder why the mirror on my bedroom dresser isn't very clean. If you look closely, however, you'll notice that there's only a small section that hasn't been windexed...not because it's dirty, but because there are tiny hand and fingerprints smudged all over it. Every time I clean that mirror...I can't seem to bring myself to wash that spot. It will probably still be there long after I'm gone.
Another thing that comes to mind when I think about cherishing the small things is when Mikayla was about a year old. One day Joel and I decided that it was time we stopped rocking her to sleep with a bottle. So, that night while I sat in my rocking chair holding my precious baby girl that looked so much like a sleeping angel, I couldn't help but start to bawl. Tears were streaming down my face as I struggled to get up, give her a kiss on the forehead and lay her down in her crib after rocking her to sleep in my arms for the last time. Needless to say, I couldn't give it up cold turkey- she was fine, but I needed a couple more nights. I remember being told that it I should not rock her to sleep, and that it would just cause more problems in the long run. I am so glad I didn't listen and that I now have those beautiful memories of that special time I shared with my sweet baby.
Going to the park, chasing her around, hearing her laugh, watching the Backyardigans in the middle of the night while her head rests on my chest and her little arm hugs my big pregnant belly...these are all things that I cherish more than anything in this World and I'm so glad that I've been able to recieve such a wonderful blessing. She may not remember anything about these times we share now and if anything happens to me, she may not remember me at all...but I hope she will always feel and remember the love I have for her.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Project Runway Contest

All contest info is now going to be put on my other blog (the one where I put all my crafty stuff):

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Okay, so if you know me...you know that I have an extremely bad memory and I'm reeaaalllly bad at calling people. So, today is my sister Liz's b-day and I've been wanting to call her ALL.DAY.LONG!!!! But when I finally got a chance it was way late. Not here, but where she lives (in Texas...darn that 2 hour time difference!). So I wanted her to know that I did not forget her birthday, and I can't believe how old..er..I mean, I can't believe that another year has gone by. So much has changed and so much has happened in such a short amount of time! I'm so glad that she's my sister. Sure in highschool we may have had our differences, but we also had a really fun time together. We were quite the pair and could make anybody laugh with our craziness. Seriously...I don't know how many times she caused me to go running to the bathroom before I had an accident from laughing too hard. She also did anything to make things perfect for me...driving 100+ mph to get to the flower shop before it closed because I forgot to get the boutonniere for my winter formal date (which she got right on time), buying my $200 dress for winter formal (which I still have), and I won't ever forget when she went out and got me a steak dinner right after I had Mikayla...seriously...that was the best. She's done so much more than that, she's been my rock and my confidant my entire life. I really don't think you could find a more energetic, fun, caring person if you searched every nook and cranny on this Earth.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

For Liz...finally!

Here you go, Liz! Sorry it's so blurry...Joel was watching something on tv and not really concentrating on taking a great picture (obviously). I had him take 2 just in case, but he chopped off my head in the other one (so you're stuck with a blurry picture but at least my head is fully intact).

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Scrapbook Challenge #3


For the challenge on Project Runway, the contestants met with the legendary fashion guru: Diane von Furstenberg. Diane presents the designers with their challenge: Design a look inspired by her fall 2008 collection, A Foreign Affair. Diane was also the guest judge in the episode.

I am so incredibly excited to announce that we have our own scrapbooking icon: Elizabeth Kartchner!! She won Creating Keepsakes Scrapbooker of the Year 2007, she writes articles and she also designs layouts for the scrapbooking bible: Creating Keepsakes! She has a fun, fresh sense of style and our challenge is to design a layout using her work and style as our inspiration. She will then judge this challenge and choose a winner!

You can go to her website to get a sense of what her style is:
And here is a link to some of her layouts:

It is such a pleasure to have her be our guest judge, so please ladies, let's go all out!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A few of her favorite things...

This picture sums up perfectly what Mikayla loves to do lately: watch The Bee movie on her slide (or as she calls it, her "wee") while wearing her "duckie" swimsuit and tutu.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I had to post this as PROOF! I actually do do Mikayla's hair!! She normally realizes that there is something on her head about 10-20 minutes later and quickly remedies the situation by pulling them out along with her pony tails (I guess she takes after me in that way. My mom said that when I was little she tried to use sponge curlers in my hair, but when I noticed one I pulled it out...hair and all). Then of course by the time I finally get ready and get her ready it's time for her nap. Have you ever seen Mikayla after her nap?hehe..it's pretty funny.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Breaking Dawn

Finally I can concentrate on other things again! Patience is not one of my strong suits when it comes to books or movies. I have to know what happens at the end of the story. Never go see a movie with me if you've already seen it. I'll be asking-or rather trying my hardest not to ask- "What happens!!" the entire time...very annoying. Soooo, let's just say Mikayla's been watching a liiittle too much tv this weekend, but on the upside I finally finished the book tonight! The downside is that nobody I know has finished it yet (they actually attend to their responsibilities!)so I can't talk about it. I can't say whether or not I liked it, or let anything slip about how things end, or say who dies (hehe...gotcha). The one thing I'm really curious about is whether or not the adolescent crowd (who supposedly this book is targeted) will actually get it. I don't think I would've. I'll explain this a little more later so I don't spoil anything for those who haven't read it. I'm not saying that teenagers aren't intellectual, not at all. It doesn't have anything to do with how smart someone is, but rather their life experiences and emotions.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Ouray, CO. and a Bad Case of PMS

I think I could actually hear all of the guys clicking the x button after reading the title. Well, don't worry fellas, it's not what you think! Last week, we took a trip to Ouray Colorado for a little family reunion. It's been a tradition in my family to go there since I was little. It's a beautiful old mining town with natural hot springs about 12 hours away. While I was excited to go, I wasn't looking forward to driving that far with a 20 month old, so I had Joel book a hotel in Gallup, NM. Let me tell you what. This place was ritzy! They actually had granite beds! I mean, I didn't actually look to see if that's what they were made of, but boy could you feel it. The air conditioner had one of those fancy dancy "nature" relaxing white noise machines built right inside! It didn't sound like anything from nature that I'd ever experienced...but it was New Mexico after all.. Perhaps in NM nature sounds like a big semi truck. So..even in all of the luxory of the "Tra vellod ge" we couldn't get any sleep because Mikayla's allergies kicked up a few notches and she couldn't stop coughing. After a few times (and hours) of driving up and down Gallup's main street we stopped at a 24 hr Walgreen's and I got Zyrtech for kid's, Mucinex for kids, Delsym, Benedryl, throat lozenge lollipop's and honey..I figured one of those oughtta work. So after we gave her Benadryl and finally got her to sleep, we woke up (why we even bothered to try and get more sleep is beyond me) and headed on our way. It was a pretty good drive from then on..even tho the last 20 miles took over an hour..here's why:

(I actually stood up thru the sun roof to get this shot)

Gramma took Mikayla to the Hot Springs and Layla had a blast!

Daddy and Mikayla at the Waterfall

That night Mikayla was up coughing again with a runny nose and puffy eyes. I was about to pack everything up and head home to go see the doctor..or go to the ER (j/k..I'm not that bad)...my baby couldn't breathe and was hacking up a lung!! That's where the bad case of PMS comes in. I am a chronic sufferer of Paranoid Mom Syndrome...I'm not proud of it, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Luckily my mom and sister were there to tell me that it was just a cold and to give her Benedryl and Mucinex every 4 hours and she would be just fine. And oddly enough..she was! Thanks guys. After that I was able to breathe easier and enjoy the beautiful scenery and the shopping. I couldn't do any of the fun stuff like horse back riding, jeep tours, long hikes, and hot springs because I'm preggers. Ha! If you hadn't read through my insanely long post you wouldn't have gotten my little announcement. Even shopping was a little strenuous. The whole dang town is on a hill and there's no oxygen. I did manage to make it up a small (but steep) trail to a waterfall. It was gorgeous! And Joel and I drove to Telluride to check out the scenery and shops there. Fun, fun.

Here's a picture of my sister, Olivia, and Mikayla playing in the river.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

A New Tradition

We had a wonderful 4th of July this year! We had some friends over for a barbecue, watched the baseball game, then went to the park a few blocks from my house to see the fireworks (I was a little worried it would be really hot, but was pleasantly surprised when the weather was absolutely beautiful with a nice breeze). We took popsicles and icecream bars with us to the park and laid down on my favorite picnic blanket while the kids ran around in the field before the show. Mikayla loved the fireworks and kept trying to walk towards them...thinking that she would be able to reach right out and grab one. It was so nice and relaxing. We were able to sit back and reflect on what a wonderful country we live in and all the sacrifices that have been made for the life and freedom we have today.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Okay, I don't have much time, but I HAD to post this! Joel and I have a video monitor for Mikayla, and I was sitting here blogstalking while she napped. Well, she woke up a few minutes ago and for a while she was just sitting there talking to herself. Then I hear her giggle so I turn on the monitor to see what she's laughing at. Well...she had taken her blankie and wrapped her stuffed doggie in it and was giving it the biggest hug ever, just giggling and giving it loves! It was seriously the cutest thing! I love these mommy moments!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So Much Fun!!

Do you remember the time when you could just sit and have an actual, uninterupted conversation with friends? When you could just go to the movies whenever you felt like it and eating out wasn't an aerobics class? Well, Joel and I have friend's who are still in that phase of their marriage (not for long!!). I feel so incredibly lucky that they are still willing to hang out with us, even tho I can't seem to do the simplest of things- like finish a sentence- before I have to go chase after Mikayla. We got to spend Saturday evening with them and Mikayla had a blast! We went to the San Tan mall and she got to play in the splash pad. She was scared of all the other children at first, but got into it soon enough.

I swear, I don't keep her locked up in the basement all day...we do go out and she lOvES the park. It just so happens that one of her parents is albino and the other is a polar bear.

Then if that wasn't enough fun for one little girl to have, Monday for part of our family night we went to Target and we finally got her her own toot toot!! (for all of you that don't speak "Mikayla" that means car...or really anything with wheels). She was so excited she couldn't even wait for us to get it out of the box before climbing on!

The box said it was good up to 3yrs old...but she already looks too big! We tried to take off the green thing, but she wasn't having any of that and threw a fit. It also has an attachment that goes on the back so we can push her along when we go on walks (that would have been nice a couple of months ago..hmm..oh-well)