Sunday, December 2, 2007

Once again, Mikayla hadn't taken a nap besides the 20 minute car she was kind of difficult..or as the photographer put it "full of life". She didn't want to sit still with Joel and I for a family picture..but this one is a pretty good one of all of us.

Well, We decided that we wanted Joel's family at Mikayla's party so we decided to delay it until after Thanksgiving. Mikayla had no problem digging right into the cake! She hadn't taken a nap that day so she was pretty tired, but she was still a cutie!


Thanksgiving...hmmm...all I can say is that I wish I had been in San Diego! hehe, just kidding. We had a lot of fun with Joel's brother Brent and his wife Amber. However, Mikayla's first visit with her 2 year old cousin, Ben, didn't go so well. He knows what he wants and will fight for it. So after a few days of getting bruises and 2 black eyes from being tackled, scratches from trying to steal his chair, and a cold to top it off, I think it's safe to say that she was glad when Thanksgiving was over!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We had soooo much fun at Disneyland! Mikayla loved all of the sights and sounds, but I think her favorite part (as well as mine) was the Halloween party. I thought it was pretty funny when a grandma stopped to chat with us and "just had to take a picture of her to show her children". It must have been the pom-poms in her hair.

The park was crazy busy, but I still really loved seeing my sister Olivia, her husband James and my nephew Connor. I can't wait to see them again at Christmas in San Diego!

Of course, my absolute least favorite part was the drive there...and home...uhg. Car sickness and a crying baby do not mix. However, I'll forget about it soon enough, and we'll be back on the road in no time.