"Change requires effort, and effort requires energy. In an exhausted state, we may find it easier just to keep things as they are rather than try something different. In other words, when baby wakes for the fifth time time that night, and I'm desperate for sleep, it's so much easier just to resort to the easiest way to get him to fall back to sleep than it is to try something different.
Only a parent who is truly sleep deprived can understand what I'm saying here. Others may be able to calmly advise, "Well if things aren't working for you, just change what you're doing."
-The No-Cry Sleep Solution
All I have to say to that is "Can I get an AMEN?!"
Hunter hasn't slept through the night yet (except for maybe one or two times), I'm working on changing that (hence the book). I don't really feel it so much any more, I've gotten so used to not getting enough sleep, I'm not sure what I would do with myself if I got more than 5 hours of uninterrupted z's. I thought it would be fun to look back on this time of my life and remember what my night time routine looks like:
6- eat dinner
7- give the kids a bath
7:30- put their jammies on (this usually takes awhile since it is impossible for Hunter to lie down to get his diaper on and is usually halfway across the room before I have a chance to get the diaper under him. He then thinks this is a fun game of chase and the process is repeated a few times)
8- try to get Mikayla to brush her teeth. Then try again. And again. Then finally give up and pin her down.
8:10- try to get her to go to the bathroom. And then ask again. Then tickle her until she has to go.
8:15- Put Hunter down.
8:30- Go read to Mikayla/lay down with her/ sit in my chair and read a book.
10:00- finally she falls asleep and I'm free (yes, it takes an hour and a half for her to fall asleep, I wish I were exaggerating) . Then I usually take an hour to myself. I should go straight to bed...but it's the only time of the day where there isn't somebody right there. I've tried explaining that to Joel, I don't think he really gets it though. How can he?
11-go to bed
12:00- Hunter wakes up
1- Mikayla comes into our bed
3:30- Hunter wakes up
6- Hunter wakes up
8:30- Mikayla and Hunter wake up for the day
So why am I still up?...good question. Goodnight.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It's Snowing
There is a quote that pretty much sums up my life: "Cleaning house while the kids are still growing is like shoveling snow while it's still snowing".
Everyday I vacuum, attempt to do the dishes {I say attempt because it's rather difficult to empty the dishwasher while your son is climbing into it, and harder still while holding him. Have you ever tried to wash dishes one handed? Vacuuming I can do...dishes? Not so much}.
Then there's the sickness that just keeps swirling around my house. Runny noses, coughs, mastitis...oh, wait, that last one just concerns me, but when mama's sick the World as my family knows it stops. So far I've gotten it 3 times and this last bout was awful. I couldn't get up, couldn't sleep because of a headache {I was convinced that a drill would've been less painful} and the next morning {Joel's birthday, of all days} my husband informed me that I was burning up...I don't know what my temperature was, I wasn't going to get up for anything. Luckily, a few hours later, I woke up drenched in sweat, my fever had broken.
So why am I telling all of you this? Well, a couple of reasons.
1. To justify why I haven't been updating my blog as much as I want/ need to.
2. To justify to myself why my house isn't as neat as I would like it.
3. While my husband has many, many good attributes, he is somewhat lacking in the sympathy department...it's not his fault he is the model of health and gets sick maybe once a year, while I get sick if someone sneezes two blocks away.
So here is the update on the kids:
Mikayla loves her tricycle and we go on walks a lot (I've decided that I prefer it if Joel comes with us, that way I don't tense up every time a white windowless van drives slowly by). She knows all of her colors as well as the alphabet. She will stand up (sometimes on an upturned laundry basket) with her pretend guitar and belt out songs (with accompanying actions) that she makes up. She loves to laugh and is constantly making me laugh in turn. The poor thing has recently become scared of monsters and other such things that go bump in the night and therefore can't go to sleep unless one of us is with her. Then sometime during the night she wanders into our room to sleep between Joel and I. We often wake up to a foot in the ribs or a hand being flung in our face.
Hunter will dance to anything. He could be right in the middle of wailing at the top of his lungs and if a song plays in a commercial he'll start bopping away. It only lasts a few seconds, but it's almost as if his little body can't help but dance along. He LOVES dogs and starts squealing with delight when one comes within sight. He is no longer wearing his helmet. He has 4 new molars (which all came within a week), poor Hunter, poor mommy. He has been cruising for awhile now, but has recently started taking steps. He loves to push his sister in her tricycle around the island in our kitchen. He's still not sleeping through the night. All in all he's a pretty happy little guy- when he's not teething and as long as mom is right there.
Friday, December 4, 2009

Hey everybody!
I'm giving away a personalized ornament to everyone on my other blog:
Designing my bliss
Go check it out!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
For my birthday this year, I decided to have a little party at my house with a few friends. My friend, Lexi, made me the best Jack cake!
Then for Halloween Mikayla went as none other than Goldilocks herself with Hunter being Baby bear. We went to Disneyland's Spooktacular Event where we met up with Joel's brother and his family. It was way too crowded, so I doubt we'll do it again.
On Halloween night we went trick-or-treating with out friend's the Buhl's and their little boy Josh. I had to run to the store and then pick us up something to eat {silly Joel-he doesn't consider candy to be a good dinner}. When I got back, Mikayla was covered in chocolate while daddy was snoring on the couch. Priceless.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Mikayla's Crib

And I don't mean her hizouse, I'm talking about her baby crib. I had waited for my sweet little girl for years, so when she finally came I wanted to have the BEST nursery. I spent so much time online when I was preggers looking at bedding and planning. There was just one teensy little problem: all of the crib bedding I saw was a minimum of $500 {cough, cough}. Yeah...I'm sure Joel would go for that. Well, not one to let a little thing like price get in the way, I decided to make my own. I LOVE it. I still keep her crib in her room because I don't want to get rid of it. However, I've decided to make her a duvet cover and turn her room into a big girl room, which means...I will have to say goodbye to her baby bedding.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Story Time with Cinderella
The other month I was able to finally let my true identity be shown and read stories to all of the little princesses in my ward. It was really fun watching a couple of the girl's eyes go wide when they came in and actually thought that Cinderella was there. What was even better was when they wanted to take pictures with me, how cool is that?! Mikayla cracked me up when she came in with her group shouting "Mommy, you're Cinderella?" and promptly came to take her place on my lap. I'm still waiting for one last picture (I didn't have my camera with me) of my little princess and her- or rather my- Prince Charming.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Bake Sale!!
For my next bake sale I will be making chocolate, caramel, and candy covered Pretzel rods!
You'll get 2 of each:
mini chocolate chips and or mini m&m's
Cost: $10
Leave a comment with your order or e-mail it to me! I will deliver them on Oct. 24th in the morning. Thank you so much for your support!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Bedtime Woes
Mikayla has always had a difficult time at bedtime. Now for some reason or another, she is scared and she has to have the light on (maybe she's scared of the witch lady, too). I didn't mind it at first- she would just play for a little bit and then make her way to her bed and fall asleep. However, last night after she had been asleep for awhile, I went in to turn off the light when she screamed at me to leave it on and to come in and play dolls with her- even though she was still trying to rub the sleep from her eyes. I finally convinced her that 11 o'clock at night was in fact not an appropriate time to play with her paper dolls (especially since she was laying on the bed and just wanted me to play with them). She would not, however, be persuaded to turn off the light and Heaven forbid that I leave the room. So I laid with her for a little while until she realized that mommy was right (surprise, surprise) and having the light shine in your eyes is rather annoying and so she finally told me to turn it off. Then after awhile I tried to make my escape and failed. I tried a couple more times, finally succeeding somewhere around midnight. I guess we'll have to try something new. I sure hope Hunter doesn't have this problem (especially the part with the paper dolls).
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Just in Time for Halloween
Joel and I went driving around on Monday to look for some good places for taking family portraits. We went down this little dirt road and I found a really pretty spot! Oh..well, I mean except for the fact that it's HAUNTED! {what the?!}
I showed my friend, Lexi, the picture and I told her how I thought it could be really nice if we just cleared some of the dead bushes and brush away. She said "Yeah, just watch out for the Queen Creek wash witch." {again..what the?!} Rumor has it that years ago a lady's only daughter drowned in the QC wash. She was so devastated about losing her beloved child that she became homeless and crazy, spending her time wandering the creek wash mourning her little girl. It wouldn't have been such a creepy story if I hadn't had such an eerie feeling while I was down in the wash (before my friend told me about the story). I took Mikayla down there with me and after a I took a couple of pictures, I swooped her up and ran back up the hill. Needless to say, I don't think I'll be taking pictures there!
This was obviously the first time I had heard the story, so if anybody has anything to add feel free! Also, I think it would be fun to post our own ghost stories on our blogs...Nevermind!! I'm too much of a wimp and didn't get much sleep last night because of this stupid story, I don't want to think how I would be if it was a story that was actually scary. This should be good for Halloween!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
What do Princes do in Their Spare Time?
Friday, September 25, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Spooky Chic

{if you like this look: I got the frame at Ross for $8, painted it orange. I covered the candle with scrapbook paper, ribbon, feather boa, and a rhinestone brooch from Joanne's. The "BOO" I got from Hobby Lobby (they're in the decor section, part of the full alphabet)}
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Haps

Next: Mikayla is pretty much potty trained. It was a lot easier than I had expected. We just had to make it so she didn't have any other option. She "threw away" her diapers, so she knew there was no going back.
Third: I've been sick all week (uhg)..and now it sounds like Mikayla's getting it (double uhg).
Fourth: I was almost in a car accident...but I'm not sure that counts as anything. A guy ran a red light and if I hadn't been paying attention he would have rammed into me. Scared the living daylights out of me (and I was as mad as a hornet that if he had hit us he could've hurt my baby boy- Mikayla wasn't there). But even tho I was mad, I was also very thankful and I know how blessed I am that he didn't hit us.
Fifth: Joel is in Texas at a concert (Apoptygma Berzerk). I think it will be good for him when he's reading this years from now to look back on some of the fun things that he's done, so I can't leave them out of my blog. He left Friday after work and got back Saturday afternoon. He didn't want to go all the way to Texas, but they don't tour often and they don't come to AZ, so what's a guy to do? Him and his brother scored some free plane tickets and off they went. He said it was a really good concert, but they didn't go on until midnight. I went to see them 7 years ago in Hollywood. The whole time I was joking around about how I would see AFI (for the sole fact that they live in CA....but they live in Berkley, not LA). We'd pull up to a Mickey D's and I'd say "I bet I'll see AFI , just eating a Big Mac (even tho they were Vegan)" just being a dork. Well, while we were in line waiting at the Palace to be let in...who do you think I saw walking by?! JADE! Then we finally made our way in and Jade and Davey were sitting there with Nick 13! I went up and talked to them, mumbling something stupid, totally forgetting to introduce Joel. Good times. As far as going to more concerts, Joel and I are planning on going to Vegas where my mom said that she would watch the kiddos while we go out. I miss going to concerts. I'll get my turn one of these days, but for now my babies need me.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Yesterday Mikayla was being so sweet just quietly playing in the corner with her dolls. Hunter was playing with his toys laughing and smiling. Right when I was about to congratulate myself on what a good mother I am- with my kids being so sweet, content and all- I heard Mikayla tell her doll "You're driving me nuts!"....hmmm...you learn so much when they're playing with dolls.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Who Knew?
Monday, August 17, 2009
Heather Armstrong bugs the crap out of me

*Warning- I don't normally do this, but I had to vent. And it is not nice. Also, this post deals with religion.
"HGTV has signed Heather Armstrong of dooce.com, recognized as America’s most popular “mommyblogger,” to an exclusive programming development deal in which she will work with HGTV’s online and on-air production teams to create innovative convergence programming for the network.
“We are thrilled to have Heather join the HGTV family,” said HGTV president, Jim Samples. “Not only is she one of the world’s best known bloggers and parenting writers, with a unique and hilarious voice, she’s also a talented designer and photographer. She’s clearly a great fit for us and our audience.”"
The title pretty much sums it up. I was perusing one of my favorite decorating blogs when she was mentioned. So, thinking that this would be a fun blog infused with fresh decor ideas and hopefully a bit of good humor, I headed on over.
Now, first, let me list some of my favorite bands:
Good Riddance
Good thing I'm not you, otherwise I would've felt that liking these things gave me an excuse to take the easy way out and give up.
I don't consider myself to be judgmental, I don't consider myself to be a hypocrite, and I don't think that everybody who isn't mormon is going to hell. I think that while I believe my church is true, you have the free agency to believe whatever you want to believe.
Newsflash, Heather: People are human (seems rather redundant, but apparently she's not aware of this simple fact). Everything you are writing on your blog is a load of crap. Everything on your blog deals with your limited view of the gospel. You spout off how much you know about the church and how awful it is when all you do is talk about the people. And while I believe the church is true I don't believe the people are.
I went to BYU and yes, it was an awful experience for a poor punk rock girl such as myself, but guess what...I didn't whine about it- I SWITCHED SCHOOLS. You were put on academic probation because you didn't go to enough church meetings? Well...it's an LDS school (how did you even get accepted? You can't even put those simple facts together? No wonder you were struggling). I guess you might feel the need to mask some sort of warped guilt by writing what you do, but seriously, you need to take responsibility for putting up a false image of what the Gospel is about.
It's repulsive.
Good decorating ideas, amusing posts, sprinkled with deceit...job well done.
(I guess I'm also blasphemous for not listening to Rush Limbaugh? Not "thinking that he talks with God". You seriously have no wit if you have to stoop to lying in order to make people laugh. Idiot.)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Bake Sale!
Cupcakes, come and get your cupcakes! We decided to go ahead and get Hunter's helmet...we thought we'd fork out the big bucks now rather than have any regrets later. Well, as I mentioned in a previous post, they're not cheap. So, I thought I'd have a bake sale (who doesn't love a good bake sale, right?)!!
I'll have one at the beginning of each month featuring different goodies. This month is CUPCAKES! Leave a comment with your "order" or e-mail me. Then on the fourth Saturday of every month ( so this one will be on August 22nd) I'll deliver them to everybody!
Here are my flavors:
Chocolate filled with chocolate ganache topped with cocoa whipped cream frosting (pictured)
Red Velvet with cream cheese frosting
Traditional Birthday Cake (yellow cake with buttercream frosting and lots of sprinkles)
All are made from scratch with the best ingredients
$2 each or 6 for $10
Get 2 free if you mention the bake sale on your blog with a link to my blog!
Monday, July 27, 2009
San Diego!
We had an awesome time in San Diego last week. For now I'm going to briefly say what we did and show a bunch of pics, but I'll fill in the details later.
First we went to a place where my mom and step-dad were staying called Santee Lakes. It was so pretty! Mikayla played in the splashpad, fed the ducks and ran around like crazy with her cousins Nathan and Matthew. The next day we went to Old Town and then to the beach (we found out that Mikaya is not a fan of the beach). Then Friday we went to the San Diego Zoo where we went on a ski lift that was very, very high. That night we had to continue our tradition of going to Wahoo's Fish Tacos (mmm..yummy!). Then Saturday morning we wanted to go take pictures at the Temple, but there wasn't any parking and I didn't want to park a mile away and walk with the kids, so we bagged that idea and just went back to Santee Lakes and played around. Mikayla, Joel, Hunter and my mom all went on a paddle boat ride! Then we went back to Old Town for lunch, bought some t-shirts and headed home. We had a lot of fun...the last three hours of the car ride, however, was not so much fun (we forgot Hunter doesn't like to drive at night so he wailed the whole time).

First we went to a place where my mom and step-dad were staying called Santee Lakes. It was so pretty! Mikayla played in the splashpad, fed the ducks and ran around like crazy with her cousins Nathan and Matthew. The next day we went to Old Town and then to the beach (we found out that Mikaya is not a fan of the beach). Then Friday we went to the San Diego Zoo where we went on a ski lift that was very, very high. That night we had to continue our tradition of going to Wahoo's Fish Tacos (mmm..yummy!). Then Saturday morning we wanted to go take pictures at the Temple, but there wasn't any parking and I didn't want to park a mile away and walk with the kids, so we bagged that idea and just went back to Santee Lakes and played around. Mikayla, Joel, Hunter and my mom all went on a paddle boat ride! Then we went back to Old Town for lunch, bought some t-shirts and headed home. We had a lot of fun...the last three hours of the car ride, however, was not so much fun (we forgot Hunter doesn't like to drive at night so he wailed the whole time).
Santee Lakes
Monday, July 20, 2009
Helmet Hair
I'm supposed to be sleeping right now, and heaven knows I'm exhausted, but I can't because I am dreading tomorrow. Hunter is going in to get his DOC band (helmet). I know that it really isn't that big of a deal, and that there are so many other things that are worse. It's not that I'm embarrassed, I could really care less if people either stare or avoid looking at him. That's their problem. No, I'm sad that my favorite part of this phase of his life will be gone. I love snuggling with him and feeling his fuzzy head on my cheek...now instead of soft baby fuzz, there will be cold hard plastic. NOT the same effect. Oh-well. That's just the way it goes, and he only has to wear it 23 hours a day...you'd better believe that for that one hour I will be right there smothering the poor boy.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Poor little guy..
My little guy is sick. He has a fever and sores on the back of throat that make him not want to eat (Hunter not want to eat? It must be serious). This is how he spent the day yesterday (he went back and forth between sleeping and crying..a poor pitiful little squeak of a cry). I hate it when my kids are sick. The worst part is that it's viral so there's nothing I can do except wait it out and give him Tylenol. And this weekend, after he's all better, Joel will be watching them so I can SLEEP!!
* the tape on his back his part of his physical therapy. It's there to help the muscles "remember" where they need to be.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I want it all
Okay, my sister Liz wants me to post something..so here I go with some random thoughts (hey, maybe it will help me clear out all of the craziness going on inside my mind-most likely not, but here I go anyway). I'm trying to figure out exactly what I want to do. Now, of course my main priority is being a mom, but in true Mills/ Bobo fashion my mind won't let me "just be a mom"...no, no...instead I am constantly thinking about what I could be doing in conjunction with being a mom. I want to be a party planner/decorator (weddings, showers, birthdays..I have sooo many fun inexpensive ideas!!), I want to do photography and make distressed art with people's family/ wedding pictures, I want to open up a small salon where I can do my aesthetics and also go to people's homes and have spa parties where I would sell high-end makeup that's actually good for your skin and sell it at a discount, I want to be an author and am currently working for my father-in-law helping him write a book about the Sundance Kid. I truly am happy being a mom and doing all that goes along with it. I don't really want my mind to be working in overdrive thinking and planning making it almost impossible for me to go to sleep at night. How in the World do I turn off this mind of mine? Or better yet, how do I take all of this misplaced creativity and use it for something appropriate for what I need (like thinking of fun ways to teach Mikayla how to do things).
Well, I am setting up an Etsy account for my art work. I'll get that info on here as soon as I can. And if anybody needs any fun party and/or decorating ideas, just let me know! And if you need a facial or some make-up...well, I'm your gal.
Well, I am setting up an Etsy account for my art work. I'll get that info on here as soon as I can. And if anybody needs any fun party and/or decorating ideas, just let me know! And if you need a facial or some make-up...well, I'm your gal.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Give me some TYLENOL!!

I LOVE this age! The crying-all-the-time phase is over, they can't crawl yet, and it's before the tantrums begin. I was looking at my sweet little boy yesterday and he's getting so big. I seriously almost started crying. Hunter is going to be our last and the thought of him not being my little baby just makes me so sad. I know they have to grow up, and I do love each phase of their lives...but he's just so sweet right now! Granted, "sweet" isn't how I would describe him at this precise moment, him teething and all (I saw a top tooth this morning!)...but most of the time he is all smiles and loves to flirt. He is so ticklish and any time you need a smile to lift your spirits all you have to do is tickle his tiny feet and you'll get the biggest smile and giggle to melt your heart.
Hunter was a big boy when he was born (8lbs, 9 oz..15.5" head) and I...well, I am not. And while I didn't provide much room for growth..he grew and grew nonetheless. Due to the cramped living conditions he was stuck in one position making it so his neck and jaw didn't develop correctly. Well, now my poor boy has to do physical therapy once a week (which insurance doesn't cover) and he might have to where a "power helmet" (as my friend so affectionaly calls it) to help reshape his head. The doctor said he was in the grey zone...he doesn't need it, but he could benefit from it. They are by no means cheap (nearly 4 G's) and I've heard many things suggesting that his head shape will fix itself...but I don't know what to do! What if it doesn't!? I want all of your thoughts and what you would seriously do if you were in my shoes.
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Doctor said it...not me.
Finally, there's another outlet for my hypochondriacal (yes, that's a word..I googled it) tendencies. The Doctors. It's a new tv show with a panel of, you guessed it, doctors. They talk about all sorts of fun health conditions for me to stress and worry about. However, today they talked about something that I am personally very familiar with: tantrums. As some of you may know, I happen to be living with the Queen of tantrums herself. You can imagine my suprise when on the show they said (and I quote with all of the modesty I can muster) "You know this is a sign of intelligence, right?". Ahem. Why, yes...yes I do. (don't mind me as I brush my shoulders off). And because a doctor on tv said it, then we know that this must in fact be a true statement. So, next time I have to drag my daughter out of the store kicking me in the face, clawing at me, and screaming like a banshee because I wouldn't buy her a Spongebob Squarepants party hat, I know that the looks I get will be only those of pure unadluterated jealousy. Don't hate me because my child is smarter than yours..oops, did I just say that?
(I hope all of you can tell that this post is dripping with facetiousness..yes they did say it was a sign of intelligence- to which I let out an involuntary laugh- I think perhaps they were saying that to make us a feel better. However, sometimes I think the only thing that could cheer me up in the middle of a tantrum is a shot of something very, very strong...however, I don't drink.)
* I seem to write a lot about Mikayla's tantrums, and well...that's because she is exceptionally talented in that department and it seems like the majority of my days are spent in either trying to discipline her for her outbursts or trying to avert an oncoming fit. However, her temper is an extremely small part of her. She has the best imagination I have ever seen in a 2.5 year old, she loves to laugh and it's so contagious that you can't help but join in. She is so silly and so full of life that I wouldn't have her any other way...tantrums and all.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Knoch Knock
"Knock, knock"
"Who's there?"
"Chicken, who?"
"Yummy chicken!"
"Knock, knock"
"Who's there?"
"Orange who?"
"Orange banana!"
Funny, right? hmmm...well Mikayla thinks she's absolutely hilarious. I personally find the way she cracks up at herself to be the best punchline I think I've ever heard..well, at least the cutest if nothing else.
She's been doing these random knock knock jokes for about a week now and she'll do about 20 in a row before she gets tired of it. It looks like the Mills/Bobo sense of humor runs in her blood as well..poor girl.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Dance Recital

Mikayla had her first dance recital on Saturday (May 16th). It was so fun! Okay, so I'm pretty sure it was just fun for me...and maybe her. The little kids didn't do a dress rehearsal, so when they got on stage and the lights came on you could see how scared she was. She didn't do the dance, but she was dancing (that's something, right?) she just moved her little hips to the music clutching her little fairy wand staring at her teacher on the sidelines..who, by the way, was the only one actually doing the dance.
Friday, May 15, 2009

It turns out that my sweet angelic daughter is turning out to be quite the little imp (and I mean that in the most affectionate way possible-okay, so maybe that is a slight exaggeration). She is just so sweet one minute and then so mischievous the next). She'll kick her brother and then go running down the hall laughing with little squeals of delight, her frizzy curls standing on end making her look like the lead singer of a bad '80's band. I can almost see the pyrotechnics shooting up from behind her. I'm at a loss of how exactly I should be disciplining her. I'll send her to her room- okay, I'll carry her to her room kicking and screaming- and then after a couple of minutes of her throwing things against her door, I'll go to talk to her. I open the door and kneel down to her level with a stern look on my face (ready to be the jury, judge, and executioner) when she comes walking over to me- head bent down in shame- and as she looks up at me with her big blue puppy dog eyes, she reaches for my face, stroking it lightly ending with her tiny little fingers just under my chin and in the sweetest little voice she says," I'm sorry mommy" and proceeds to give me a tearful hug.
What, may I ask, am I supposed to do with that?
I'll tell you what, this whole being a mother stuff is quite draining. There's nothing too physically challenging, even though I do have to carry a large sack of potatoes, er I mean baby, around all.day.long while vacuuming or lifting two year olds out of closets they shouldn't be playing in- but I'm not out in the 110 degree heat digging trenches all day. And yes, while I do have to figure out how to outsmart a rather perseptive two year old, it's not like I'm figuring out quadratic equations all day long (and yes, dad, I know you'd argue that that's not difficult). I think it must be the hours. Up all day and most of the night just sucks all the life out of a person, leaving them drained. However, I must admit that while the hours are long, the benefits package is GREAT! Who needs a hospital when you have a sweet little girl there to kiss away your owies?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Nothing but the Tooth...

Yea! Hunter has his first tooth! He had been putting everything in his mouth and gnawing on it (not to mention all the drool), but he's only 4 and a half months so I didn't really think he was teething...I was wrong (I'm woman enough to admit it). I don't think you can really see it in these photos (poor kid) , but it's there!
*sidenote- he can also roll over from his tummy to his back. Not consistently, mind you, but he has done it.
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