Break out the cider and the hot cocoa. Unpack your sweaters.
{and crank up the AC}. It's Fall! Okay, here in AZ we've got quite a long way to go before it starts getting cool outside
{but a girl can dream, right?}. I've decided that I'm done with summer and it's time to start putting up all of my Halloween Decor! I LOVE, love, LoVe, Halloween. Seriously. I get to dress up, people actually give me candy, and supposedly it starts cooling off! What's not to love?
{if you like this look: I got the frame at Ross for $8, painted it orange. I covered the candle with scrapbook paper, ribbon, feather boa, and a rhinestone brooch from Joanne's. The "BOO" I got from Hobby Lobby (they're in the decor section, part of the full alphabet)}
How dumb is it that I wouldn't consider painting a frame?!? Once you point these things out...it sure seems so obvious.
How freaking cute are you!!! You're are so creative Ruth!!!
Love it
Where did you get the jewel from that is on your candle?
All I can say is that I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE {okay, you get the point...} what you did! Oh, if I only had the time...
I hate you.
Okay not really but you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo talented!
Ok, it's offical when I buy a house you are my decoration consultant. You make such cute things and they look great!
It is so true I am done with summer I love the holidays!! I already started making Halloween stuff!! You are super creative, way to go!!
I agree! I LOVE LOVE it! I was thinking the same thing as Jill. Only if I had the time and ability to go to the store to buy stuff like that. I attempted to go to Ross the other day with all 3 kiddos while I waited for Daniel to meet me somewhere and it was a disaster. I am so ready to get my fall stuff out now. Thanks Ruth!
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