Monday, December 21, 2009


"Change requires effort, and effort requires energy. In an exhausted state, we may find it easier just to keep things as they are rather than try something different. In other words, when baby wakes for the fifth time time that night, and I'm desperate for sleep, it's so much easier just to resort to the easiest way to get him to fall back to sleep than it is to try something different.
Only a parent who is truly sleep deprived can understand what I'm saying here. Others may be able to calmly advise, "Well if things aren't working for you, just change what you're doing."
-The No-Cry Sleep Solution

All I have to say to that is "Can I get an AMEN?!"
Hunter hasn't slept through the night yet (except for maybe one or two times), I'm working on changing that (hence the book). I don't really feel it so much any more, I've gotten so used to not getting enough sleep, I'm not sure what I would do with myself if I got more than 5 hours of uninterrupted z's. I thought it would be fun to look back on this time of my life and remember what my night time routine looks like:

6- eat dinner
7- give the kids a bath
7:30- put their jammies on (this usually takes awhile since it is impossible for Hunter to lie down to get his diaper on and is usually halfway across the room before I have a chance to get the diaper under him. He then thinks this is a fun game of chase and the process is repeated a few times)
8- try to get Mikayla to brush her teeth. Then try again. And again. Then finally give up and pin her down.
8:10- try to get her to go to the bathroom. And then ask again. Then tickle her until she has to go.
8:15- Put Hunter down.
8:30- Go read to Mikayla/lay down with her/ sit in my chair and read a book.
10:00- finally she falls asleep and I'm free (yes, it takes an hour and a half for her to fall asleep, I wish I were exaggerating) . Then I usually take an hour to myself. I should go straight to bed...but it's the only time of the day where there isn't somebody right there. I've tried explaining that to Joel, I don't think he really gets it though. How can he?
11-go to bed
12:00- Hunter wakes up
1- Mikayla comes into our bed
3:30- Hunter wakes up
6- Hunter wakes up
8:30- Mikayla and Hunter wake up for the day

So why am I still up?...good question. Goodnight.


Christine said...

You need a book called "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". It was life saver for me and I learned so much. It's actually better for the child to read them a story, kiss them goodnight, leave the room and let them put themselves to sleep.

You need your sleep too woman!

Ammon and Lindsey Teller said...

You poor thing!! Liz actually recommended the Babywise books to me before Kaleb was born, so we basically did that routine from the day he was born, and he was sleeping through the night at about 2 months (of course with an occasional mid-night wake up) but I can't honestly tell you if it was definitely the method or if I was lucky... or if you could even try to use their method now that both of the kids are so old. I am so impressed that you have kept your relative sanity but that is so terribly unhealthy for you and your kids, there surely needs to be a change! Good luck!!!

Liz said...

So....I am moving to you to have YOU help ME...HA! I think we need to get together to help each other out. There has to be something we can do.

But yes, it will be fun later on to look back and see what life was like. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Can I just say that I am SOOOO happy someone else has nights like me!!! =) At least we can be in this "sleep deprived fog" together! =)

Amy Wicoff

The Mom. said...

Oh POOR Ruth! JUST LET THEM CRY!!! TRUST ME THEY WONT HATE YOU! they will still com eto you so you can kiss their boo-boo's and they will still run to you with open arms for lovin's. You wont regret the fact that you will finally get some sleep!!! And possibly have a night with just you and Joel...If you know what I mean! lol

Carrie Allen said...

I too read and loved "Happy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". You are welcome to borrow it!!

Valerie said...

The photo at the top of Hunter is hilarious! You are an amazing photographer to be able to capture these moments.

Kami said...

I have a book called baby wise. It really helped me. My two older boys sleep through the night. My baby he sleeps through the night most of the time. Good Luck!