Finally, there's another outlet for my hypochondriacal (yes, that's a word..I googled it) tendencies. The Doctors. It's a new tv show with a panel of, you guessed it, doctors. They talk about all sorts of fun health conditions for me to stress and worry about. However, today they talked about something that I am personally very familiar with: tantrums. As some of you may know, I happen to be living with the Queen of tantrums herself. You can imagine my suprise when on the show they said (and I quote with all of the modesty I can muster) "You know this is a sign of intelligence, right?". Ahem. Why, yes...yes I do. (don't mind me as I brush my shoulders off). And because a doctor on tv said it, then we know that this must in fact be a true statement. So, next time I have to drag my daughter out of the store kicking me in the face, clawing at me, and screaming like a banshee because I wouldn't buy her a Spongebob Squarepants party hat, I know that the looks I get will be only those of pure unadluterated jealousy. Don't hate me because my child is smarter than yours..oops, did I just say that?
(I hope all of you can tell that this post is dripping with facetiousness..yes they did say it was a sign of intelligence- to which I let out an involuntary laugh- I think perhaps they were saying that to make us a feel better. However, sometimes I think the only thing that could cheer me up in the middle of a tantrum is a shot of something very, very strong...however, I don't drink.)
* I seem to write a lot about Mikayla's tantrums, and well...that's because she is exceptionally talented in that department and it seems like the majority of my days are spent in either trying to discipline her for her outbursts or trying to avert an oncoming fit. However, her temper is an extremely small part of her. She has the best imagination I have ever seen in a 2.5 year old, she loves to laugh and it's so contagious that you can't help but join in. She is so silly and so full of life that I wouldn't have her any other way...tantrums and all.
Love the mental pictures....I can really feel your pain. I think Nathan started taking lessons from Mikayla. Ha Ha! Unfortunately, Nathan's tantrums are usually done at church when everyone else is quiet and reverent. It is hard to handle both kids when one is wriggling out of my arms and the other is being dragged behind.
"They" say we will look back fondly on these days and wish to have them back. Hmmmmm.....
How exciting, my kids must be super geniuses too. I always suspected that, but now I know for sure. ;)
Okay so I know you love the tantrums as much as I do but I think Ive told you about what I do before. I buy a travel size spray bottle at walmart and fill it with water, then drop 3 full droppers of Oil of oregano into it. It taste so yucky yet its an herb so its actually good for you. You have to taste it to see if its potent enough or it just wont work. Spray it into her mouth and shell get the idea, bad behavior = naughty spray. good luck.
if that is little brody is a total genius!
i'll keep this in mind next time it happens to ME. :)
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