Joel and I went driving around on Monday to look for some good places for taking family portraits. We went down this little dirt road and I found a really pretty spot! Oh..well, I mean except for the fact that it's HAUNTED! {what the?!}
I showed my friend, Lexi, the picture and I told her how I thought it could be really nice if we just cleared some of the dead bushes and brush away. She said "Yeah, just watch out for the Queen Creek wash witch." {again..what the?!} Rumor has it that years ago a lady's only daughter drowned in the QC wash. She was so devastated about losing her beloved child that she became homeless and crazy, spending her time wandering the creek wash mourning her little girl. It wouldn't have been such a creepy story if I hadn't had such an eerie feeling while I was down in the wash (before my friend told me about the story). I took Mikayla down there with me and after a I took a couple of pictures, I swooped her up and ran back up the hill. Needless to say, I don't think I'll be taking pictures there!
This was obviously the first time I had heard the story, so if anybody has anything to add feel free! Also, I think it would be fun to post our own ghost stories on our blogs...Nevermind!! I'm too much of a wimp and didn't get much sleep last night because of this stupid story, I don't want to think how I would be if it was a story that was actually scary. This should be good for Halloween!
Those are really picturesque are you sure there has ever been enough water there to have this happen? I haven't heard anything...but then again, don't live there now AND I guess I am not in the "loop" of information.
Love ya!!!
I think it looks like a great place for photos.
They're very pretty, but I agree with you. Just the thought would give me the willies. I have a had a "ghostly" experience. Rumor was that there was a ghost haunting the fine arts auditorium of AJ High School and one afternoon, we were rehearsing in the drama room. All of a sudden, the radio starts playing country music. Two creepy points about that: firstly, I was one of the few people that ever listened to country music in the drama department, and I had never touched that radio. Secondly, the only way to get to the radio was in the sound booth that was locked at the time. ~oooooh~
ummmm... yeah... i would never go back there. pretty or not. i'm way too big of a wuss, and then, everytime you looked at your family pictures, thats all you would be able to think about!!!
ps what kind of camera do you have? love the pictures.
Bahahaah! Thats hilarious! Yes that is a "true" story! Its been around for years so that's why it has become true! I dont know for sure though...I never witnessed a drowning girl or ghoulish ghost. Let alone a creepy old lady calling out her daughters name, but I had a really creepy feeling when I went down into that same wash! Weird...yes! Oh and supposedly the wash up by my house is haunted as that same old lady searching for her drowned daughters body! Coincidence... I think NOT! Bahahahaah!
I've never heard that story. Creey!
My husband and father ride up and down this wash all the time on horses matter of fact my husband could probally tell you were that spot is. The horses dont seem to get to spoke down there but there are times that they really do freak out for no reason maybe it is haunted
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