I sit here with you. You twirl your hair as your little body melts to mine. I feel peace. Peace and comfort. When it was time for you to join our little family, I should have felt anxious...I should've felt weary...I should've felt cautious. But all I felt was a calm sort of happiness.
"Honey, I think we should have another baby..." I looked up at your father.
He sighed.
He knew.
When it was time to take the pregnancy test, I didn't get upset that I was wasting yet another one...I knew. You were with me and you would stay.
When I got the positive, the worry began to set in, but time and time again, no matter how much my mind tried to get me to succumb to the fears of my heart...I felt peace instead.
So, as I think about you, my sweet boy, I think of peace. I think of love. The kisses, the cuddles you give make my heart sing. It makes me sad to think that someday soon, because whenever it happens will be.too.soon, you won't want to grace me with your precious little kisses. You won't try to use all of your strength to give me the biggest possible hug. But, Hunter...I will always be here. Waiting. When you need me, when you need comfort, you will never outgrow my arms and my lap. You see...
There's this boy who stole my heart...
He calls me mom.

1 comment:
awww he is soo cute ruth, and looking so grown up!!! you are such a nice mommy.
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