Sunday, August 7, 2011

Goodbye Sanity...

She doesn't move very often, but every now and then I'll get a tiny little nudge, or perhaps a miniature somersault and I can't help but smile just a little and say my hellos to the tiny person who is responsible for my ever expanding waistline.

I'm scared. Not for the delivery or for the money and not even for the extra years I have to wait before I can take a decent vacation. I must admit, however, that I'm a tad bit nervous for my sanity's sake. You see, I haven't really had a decent night's sleep in 5 years.

Five years? Surely your kids sleep through the night by now?? You might say. Sleep doesn't come easily to never has, so imagine yourself laying down and finally drifting off to a peaceful slumber when suddenly you hear a bone chilling cry coming from your son's room. You jump out of bed half unconscious and run to console and comfort. When you get there you see that he is screaming with his eyes shut tightly, his body drenched in sweat...and you realize that there is nothing that you can do except for rub his back as he cries out in fear, breaking you heart with each scream. Finally, when he starts to calm down, you pick up his little body and as he clings to you and buries his head in the crook of your neck, you hold him tight and whisper "Shh. It's okay, mommy's got you." Over and over again until his sobs turn to whimpers and eventually he drifts once more into that is hopefully a much happier place.

Night terrors. It's the worst seeing your child scream out in fear as you sit idly by, not able to do a single thing about it. Also...I can't say that I enjoy falling asleep only to be woken up an hour later. So, I wait. I wait until about 11:30-midnight for him to cry. If hasn't cried by that time, there's a good chance he'll be okay.

Now, let's add Mikayla. Every night, at around 1, she crawls into bed with me. I lay there sandwiched between a 4 year old's flailing arms and a husband who I don't want to disturb trying desperately to get my aching body comfortable, turn off my mind, and go to sleep.

I manage. It's doable. But now add a newborn.

Please send your regards to my brain. I'm pretty sure it will be taking an extended leave of absence within a few short months.

*A few months ago when we got in the car to go somewhere (I forget where) Joel turned the car on and suddenly the radio was making an incredibly LOUD obnoxious sound (something was obviously wrong with it). The kids started crying- Mikayla got out and I ran around to get Hunter. I quickly got him out of his carseat and swooped him into my arms. He held me so tightly, his little hands clenched to my shirt, saying "I gotchoo! I gotchoo!" I must heart melted =)


Alison said...

Good luck! For the first 6 months after our third baby arrived, I felt like I was in a constant fog. I got 2-3 broken hours a night. I hope like crazy that your rest is better! Your story about Chloe gave me the chills. The Lord works in amazing ways. Congrats again!

Kristina Rich said...

Ruth, that is so sad! My son used to always have nightmares and then he got a Priesthood blessing from my husband and my dad. It seemed to help a lot! And I volunteer to watch your kids during the day so you can have a good nap!!!

The Jacksons said...

I feel your sanity loss. I feel that way with the two we have right now. We have different reasons for the sanity loss as China causes different problems with young children such as public transportation and health care but I am thinking two is enough right now. Three? May be one to many. But do know are a great mom and your discomforts and loss of sanity means your love for your children and sleeping husband is amazing. This is Joe by the way.

bethiepoos said...

ruth I will happily snuggle your newborn, while hunter and owen beat each other up in the playroom and you take a nap ANYTIME!!! I cant wait to get my hands on that baby girl!!!

Liz said...

I will be coming! Hopefully alone and will wisk that little baby of mine (ah...yours) for many hours so you will take drugs ( WILL) and I will watch babies for you.

And, I will teach you BabyWise.

But yeah...night terrors...I have no idea.