When you only have two children, you get asked quite a bit "So...when are you having another one?" or "How many kids do you want?". Joel and I would answer without a second thought or hesitation "Two."
It's true, there was a time when I had a little niggling at the back of my mind, asking me to think about it more. I did...I asked Joel if he was sure. He told me each time, before I could even finish the thought that he didn't want any more children. Soon- after the tantrums, the sickness, and the whining-I realized that I was almost out of the two year old, diaper, devil child phase... and I was so happy! I didn't have to go through waking up at all hours of the night trying to soothe a crying baby. As soon as Hunter was potty trained...that was it! No.more.POOP! I was right on board with Joel. We could afford to go on trips around the globe with our family (in the future) and go to Broadway shows, or baseball games, etc. It was the right choice for our family. My sister even asked me once if I felt jealous or guilty when I saw other women getting pregnant. I could honestly say "No...not even a little bit."
There was another time, when we were driving to Snowflake and I saw a license plate that read "Ruby." I thought (as most girls do when they see a cute name) "hmm, Ruby. I like that. If I were to have a girl, maybe we'd name her that. Yeah, right. It would probably be a boy anyway." Then, out of nowhere and clear as day I heard "No. You have a girl. Her name is Chloe." I laughed out loud. Joel asked what was so funny. I told him....he did not think it was funny and he was not amused. I dismissed the crazy thought.
Joel and I were careful. We had issues having children and I figured that infertility had to be good for something...right? I think you know where this is headed: we're pregnant. With a girl. Her name will be Chloe.
It took a little while and a complete reverse in our thinking, but we are now so incredibly happy! Sometimes the Lord has other plans. Sometimes you think you know what you want but in actuality, you need a little help realizing what true blessings really are.
this is awesome. congrats again! you guys make extremely cute kids, so i think you're just doing the world a favor.
Congratulations! I guess Pheobe was hoping people didn't read her blog so she wouldn't give anything away...I've just been waiting to read it on yours so I could be excited for you!
On a side note, isn't it facsinating when you are given clear direction as to what your children's names are? I used to think it was whatever mom and dad liked. But now, after 3 very clear "this is their name" experiences, I know differently.
Girls are best! (I'm slightly biased)
Ahhhhh! Ruth! I'm SO excited becauae your kids are so beautiful! The world needed another pretty Nickle face :)
That is so great! I love stories like this :)
I'm so excited for you guys. 3 is a fun and crazy number!! And don't worry you'll still get comments about when are you haveing another I do.
Congratulations!!! Girls are so much fun! My third has been the easiest by far, hopefully it will be the same for you. Your kids are adorable!!!
We'll talk later about you and Joel going to a resort for a couple of days while I watch the kids. And don't forget that I will be there when you have the baby so you will get some sleep over the days following the birth. Also, take liquid calcium (sorry...I can't help it!)
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