Thursday, January 28, 2010

Calling all Crafters

I just read my friend's blog where she had made a post about how she and a few of her friends get together for a craft day once a week. This is something I would love to do! Anybody else game?


Nikki said...

My sch. Changes on a weekly bases. However, the days I could make it I would love it.

Grazing The Hurds said...

Sounds fun!

Sanchez Gang said...

I am so in! I love crafting!

Nicole said...

Same as Nikki, probably couldn't make it every week but it sounds fun and I would love to go the weeks I can!

Janelle said...

I have been in the mood to be crafty. I have been working on some projects. Count me in!

Lucinda said...

I might not be able to join in till after tax season, but I'd love to do it! Sounds like a fun idea!

Miss Niss said...

sounds like a fun idea! especially since i'm NOT AT ALL crafty...hahaha

Payne Family said...

Sounds fun!