I LOVE this age! The crying-all-the-time phase is over, they can't crawl yet, and it's before the tantrums begin. I was looking at my sweet little boy yesterday and he's getting so big. I seriously almost started crying. Hunter is going to be our last and the thought of him not being my little baby just makes me so sad. I know they have to grow up, and I do love each phase of their lives...but he's just so sweet right now! Granted, "sweet" isn't how I would describe him at this precise moment, him teething and all (I saw a top tooth this morning!)...but most of the time he is all smiles and loves to flirt. He is so ticklish and any time you need a smile to lift your spirits all you have to do is tickle his tiny feet and you'll get the biggest smile and giggle to melt your heart.
Hunter was a big boy when he was born (8lbs, 9 oz..15.5" head) and I...well, I am not. And while I didn't provide much room for growth..he grew and grew nonetheless. Due to the cramped living conditions he was stuck in one position making it so his neck and jaw didn't develop correctly. Well, now my poor boy has to do physical therapy once a week (which insurance doesn't cover) and he might have to where a "power helmet" (as my friend so affectionaly calls it) to help reshape his head. The doctor said he was in the grey zone...he doesn't need it, but he could benefit from it. They are by no means cheap (nearly 4 G's) and I've heard many things suggesting that his head shape will fix itself...but I don't know what to do! What if it doesn't!? I want all of your thoughts and what you would seriously do if you were in my shoes.
I have been anxiously waiting any and all words on your blog....finally!!!
He is just so darn adorable...you are sooooo right! I can't wait for my turn to tickle those feet...I love it when my heart melts.
Tough call with the helmet. That's a lot of money...I would make sure his neck gets the attention definately...his head should be fine without...no one would think twice if you got him the helmet. No explaination needed. If it is financially ok, then sure! You will make the best decision...you are the mommy! Lots of Love!!!
He is such a cutie!
If I had the money, I would do what I could. Your the mom, and I know you have the spirit with you. You will make a right choice. A similar experience, broden had a huge inflamed mosquito bite on his leg, I thought nothing of it. Well it seemed to get worse so I thought I should take him in. I prayed about it because I didnt want to take him in if I didnt have to, since we are self pay (self employed). But my answer was simply this, you are the mother and you will make the right choice. Well he must know me pretty good, because being that Im a bit parinoid when it comes to unexplainable things( that have to do with my children and there bodies/health) I took him in. And thank goodness I did! It wasnt an inflamed mosquito bit at all, it was a very bad Bacteria infection that required antibiotics. "Hopefully it wasnt resistant to antibiotics" The doc says. But with Prayer, a preisthood blessing (for Broden and Me), and faith...the antobiotics started to work. Because if they didn't he would of had to get an I.V. of antibiotics weekly until it was gone. And if that didnt work, they would have to surgically cut it out. SOoooo, your the mom, youll make the right choice, he knows you. Get a blessing for inspiration and comfort and go from there. Good luck sista'! Peace!
I agree with knowing what's best for your child. I would definitely get a second opinion and then decide from there.
When they are young is the time to do it and what if it doesn't fix itself on it's own? I dunno I worry about stuff like that too. If it was me and we could affort it, I would probably do it, better safe than sorry when it comes to stuff like that.
He is sure a handsome little man. You make beautiful babies! Hope you two are doing great!
we did the helmet on kyle, it worked great!!!
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