Mikayla had a pretty good Halloween this year. She went as her favorite Princess: Cinderella. We went to a "trunk or treat" on Wednesday- she was a little hesitant at first...

but she quickly got the hang of it after she realized they were giving her CANDY!! She went around with her arm out ready and waiting, saying trick or treat and thank you.
Then on Halloween we went trick or treating around the block with some friends of ours. We had to leave early to go to Grandma's house to take pictures with the cousins. I think the highlight of Mikayla's night was riding in her cousin Abby's Princess car. It had a radio and everything. It was pretty sweet. The tricky part was getting her out of the car and inside for pictures. I swear..I must have done her hair at least 50 times that night!! She didn't want me to touch it and she kept taking of her crown...some princess she was...

We didn't take a picture of me, but I was Cinderella's pumpkin. Joel didn't have to dress up, he's always been her prince charming (the song on my playlist says it all).
She is so adorable! I love when they start getting the hang of trick-or-treating. Magical candy being thrown in a bucket?! The best ever.
Allie was Cinderella too! I love Mikayla's costume better than Allie's I think. She looks so cute!
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