Friday night my friends threw me a baby shower! It was so sweet of them. We played games, gabbed, and most importantly we ate (and I ate...and ate, and ate). It wasn't my fault!! They had chocolate (and lots of it)!!! Also, my friend cheri, who happens to make my own personal cryptnyte- the best caramel apples iN tHe WoRLd- brought some...along with those delicious oreo cookie truffles....man....I am not looking forward to stepping on the scale at my next dr,'s appointment. I got lots-o-loot (it pays to have a friend who works at the Children's Place!hehe), I was able to see friends I haven't seen in a while..it was great. I tried to play it off like it wasn't a big deal, but it meant more to me than just getting stuff and eating good food. If you know my story, you know that I consider any baby I have to be a miracle. The fact that Joel and I were able to have this baby so soon after Mikayla was really exciting. It's so heart warming and so special to have such wonderful friends there to support and celebrate this journey and blessing with me. Thank you sooooo much!!!
1 comment:
Ruth I miss you and am SO HAPPY for you and Joel. Are you having a boy or girl or is it going to be a surprise? I don't know if you got my last comment, but Josh and I had a little girl in September (after 4 miscarriages). She has truly been a blessing. I would love to catch up sometime! Miss you. Are you still in the old Circle Cross ward?
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