...sometimes I just need to remind myself. I have so many things to be Thankful for. I also have soooo much to do and I don't have any energy to do it. So I just needed to take a break and refocus on what I need to get done.
We have to paint the nursery (I've been trying to do this for weeks) but now that it's so close to my due date we thought we should get that special non-toxic paint. So Joel went and got it and then called to tell me that it cost 100 bones. *sigh* So, let me set the scene for you: right before the phone call I had just gotten home from a walk so I was really tired and sore, I was looking all over for Mikayla's stupid binky (we have 5 of them, but she chucks them out and I end up playing hide and go seek with a binky for an hour), and Mikayla was in her high chair eating yogart. Then he called and right after he told me how much the paint cost she decided to throw her yogart across the room...I just had to cry..that's all I could do. But like Joel said "There's no use crying over spilled paint".