Thursday, September 13, 2012

Love is in the Air

Did I seriously just put that as my title?? Che-HE-sey! Oh,'s true.
I feel so happy right now! Why you ask. You can tell that the weather is on the verge of becoming cooler. Crisper. FALL is on the way!!!!!!

Ok, pop quiz time.
What's my favorite Holiday? HALLOWEEN!
When's my birthday? OcToBer 6th!is anybody planning my surprise party yet?! ;)
What's my absolute favorite time of year???? FALL!

Okay, I think I got that out of my system...for now.

Some other things I'm loving right now:

~When I go to drop of my sweet little boy, he crawls up to the front passenger seat to go out that door. I tell him I love him and he says he loves me too. I ask for a hug and a kiss and he quickly obliges. Then, every day without fail, right when he's about to go out the door, he turns back around and looking me straight in the eye says "One more hug and kiss." Of course I accept this, and while his little arms are still wrapped around me he says "No, no...just one more, two more kisses."
He then leaps out the door and runs to class.

~ I love getting Mikayla and walking with her to my car (it's parked a couple blocks away from her school). We talk about her day and what she did, who she played with, what she ate...on Monday she asked me why it was a special day. I was able to tell her about September 11th. I successfully held the tears in and explained about coming downstairs, watching the news, the planes, the buildings, people coming together. I told her that we have some very brave men and women who went out and found the bad guys. How they keep us safe. I told her about the firefighters and how while people were running out of the building, they were running in so they could try to save people. We talked about how brave those men and women were and how awesome firefighters are.

~I love all of the fall decor in the stores.

~I love the sweet, cinnamon-y smell of crafts and autumn.

~I love the sweaters and the boots

~I love that I get to cuddle up to my sweetheart by our new fireplace!!!

1 comment:

cosmo and jenn said...

all I can say is - ME TOO.
halloween is my #1 favorite and i'm so beyond ready for fall.. I dressed me and Van in hoodies and scarfs yesterday and my husband made fun of me. I said we were just preparing. i cant wait...