Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 4: The Person You've "Liked" the Longest

Never fear, Brooklyn's here!

I could say that I've liked my husband the longest...but that like soon turned to love. So, I'm going to have to go with my first crush: Spot Conlon. Crushes have come and gone, put Spot will always have a place in my heart.

I say...that what you what I say.

And just for giggles:


Amy said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! I am SOOOOO happy SOMEBODY else loved that movie!! Seriously....I LOVED it!!!!!! STILL have the soundtrack and STILL know all the words!! I had the biggest crush on Jack and David! I must have watched that movie a hundred times! (For real! And it is even on my Netflix que and will be here soon!)


Amy Wicoff

cosmo and jenn said...
he was (and still is) my favorite.

Liz said...

Such a good flick. One of those classic goodies! I remember trying to do the dances together...we were sooooo good! Hee hee.