Tuesday, March 15, 2011

{Hunter took this picture!}

(She was talking about a friend)

Mikayla: I don't know why she likes boys.
Sometimes I do.
Me: Oh, yeah? Like when?
Mikayla: Um, like sometimes in the Winter time I like boys.
Like Santa Clause...because he's a boy.


Just chillin' in the car, waiting for pizza:

Mikayla: Hunter...do you want to get married when you grow up?
Hunter: Nope.


Again, the kids are sitting in their carseats. It was quiet for awhile then out of nowhere:

Hunter: Tikatikabababatika.
Mikayla: Uh, huh. Yep!

(Glad, someone understands him!)

1 comment:

Liz said...

Good to have someone there to share life with! They will be so close. Good times.