Apprehensive. Yes, that would definitely be the word I'd use to describe how Mikayla was on her first day of preschool. She looked a little nervous and not exactly sure of what, exactly, it was that she would be doing here with all of these other kids. Joyschool? hmmm...not quite what she remembered. Primary? No...that's not it either..

But Miss Marni was so nice that she soon warmed up to the idea (after all, a lady
this nice certainly couldn't have any devious plans in store for her....right?)

Then she felt totally at ease and more than happy when they started studying the ants crawling on the sidewalk...that's my girl!

Excited, she was more than happy to leave me behind for a new adventure. I love you baby girl!! You're growing up way too fast, but at least you're not too old for a huge hug when I came to pick you up (with a happy meal waiting on your seat, of course, with a little dolly as the toy!). I'm so sorry that I forgot to pack your show and tell item and that you had to share your
backpack and that the other kids didn't like it, but miss Marni did...=(...next time we'll remember!!
Is it a strange thing that I am getting all misty eyed too? I remember when you found out you were good and solidly pregnant with this one! I remember visiting you in the hospital when she was born. She is growing up as fast as my own kiddos are. Where does the time go?
Oh how adorable! Just makes me want to smother her with love....ahhhh.
Just call me a blog stalker...but I just have to comment. Your daughter is adorable! How fun that she gets to go to preschool. I'm a fan :).
Ruth, she is the cutest little pre-schooler! That picture of Marni makes me miss you all :(
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