Hilarious!This brought back sweet memories from my past....I, well...I should say WE(Maggie and I) dressed Zach up in a dress and put barrettes and bows in his hair and took him outside to "show off" zachs twin sister! the funny thing is that everyone believed us! (of course they were all 6-10 years old) good memories!!
Absolutely hilarious!!!! But he is so darn stinkin cute...it doesn't really matter...
hahahahaha....the days of being the big sister. My brothers got to be the brides in weddings too...just wait :)
That is just way too cute for words!!!
Hilarious!This brought back sweet memories from my past....I, well...I should say WE(Maggie and I) dressed Zach up in a dress and put barrettes and bows in his hair and took him outside to "show off" zachs twin sister! the funny thing is that everyone believed us! (of course they were all 6-10 years old) good memories!!
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