Sunday, May 30, 2010


My mom came into town this weekend. She got in on Saturday morning, decided that she was going to go up to her land in Snowflake the following morning, and then go back home to Las Vegas from there. Well, every now and then I get the urge to be spontaneous, so when she told us her plan I thought "Hey...why don't we come too!". Let me just say that this was one very bad idea... We got ready in record time, loaded up the kids and set off on our impromptu roadtrip... it just went downhill from there. Now, in my defense, I was told that it was 2, maybe 2 and a half hours trip(just so you know- IT'S NOT!). We left at 11 and got to her property at 3:30. It wouldn't have been an issue except Joel has to work tomorrow, so we were able to go up there, take a short hike and then drive home. Somewhere amidst the winding roads from Showlow to Globe, my carsickness, kids screaming and crying and my wonderful husband pointing out the fact that this was all my fault...I decided never to be spontaneous ever again. Then we fed the kids (this includes Joel..and let's be honest, myself as well) in Globe. Then Joel said that if we timed it just right, we would be able to see the sunset as we came over the hill (He's so sweet sometimes!). Hunter was sitting in his carseat in the back laughing and playing (sticking a Taco Bell cup on his foot and dancing to the beat) while Mikayla played quietly with her leapfrog video game. Then the last few moments were spent singing and dancing to the Wiggles.

Sometimes I feel like it's my job, as the mom, to make sure we have those moments where each member of the family is stuck together. Where we start out wanting to tear our hair out and scream...but if in the end we come out singing, dancing, and laughing together...maybe it's worth it.



Joel said...

I had a wonderful time, except for the kids screaming on the way back, and by the way, it wasn't all your fault. Things just didn't go as planned. I love you so much.


Anonymous said...

Let's be honest - The Wiggles make every car trip better!! =) (At least it sometimes works in our car! Ha!) Always love reading your blog posts!

Amy Wicoff

Ammon and Lindsey Teller said...

Good for you! I hope I don't lose my sponenaeouty (sp?) as I have more kids either. I bet that will be a fond memory of Mikayla's and she will talk about it when she's older and you' be like, "That was AWFUL!!" Thankfully, as kids we usually remember even the horrible memories fondly!