Friday, May 28, 2010

Make Over

There's a never ending battle with trying to look put together. I see a look I like, but I can't seem to play the part. Well, my sister in law introduced me to something called "Dressing Your Truth" (go ahead, roll your eyes at the incredibly lame name...I did). It's a personality/ makeover where they use your facial features to determine your true personality and then guide you in how you should be dressing to match your personality (feel free to now sounds kind of hokey...I know).
There are 4 types:

Type 1- Creative, bubbly, buoyant, social, they light up a room when they walk in, random
Type 2- Soft, romantic, connected, laid back, steady, detail oriented
Type 3- Bossy, demanding, brash, strong, finds a way to get things done
Type 4- Regal, umm...I'll have to get back to you on this one!

Well...I thought I was a type 1 (I mean seriously, who wouldn't want to be a type 1?!) But they took my picture, and from my facial features they assessed that I am actually a type 3...really? Me? Are you sure you have the right picture? Hmmm...the lighting must have been off, or the angle in the picture was wrong. Maybe you should try again. Nope...still a type 3.

It took me a while to admit defeat and just try the colors, make-up, clothing, hair and jewelry. I'm still working on it, trying to dress according to my "true personality", but what do you think so far?
{It was pretty hard to find a before picture...I like to take pictures, not be in them}




Kristina said...

I love it! The bright colors totally work for you :)

Kathryn said...

I'm not gonna lie, I like the after colors and jewlery.

Anonymous said...

LOVE it!!!!! You look GREAT! Okay, would LOVE to know more about this!!!!

Amy Wicoff

Unknown said...

You look great... in both! :D
BUT I do love that green! My favorite color you know...

The Mom. said...


bethiepoos said...

I LOVE it ruth x

Payne Family said...

You look great! Where do you get this stuff done?

Liz said...

Very interesting process...To be honest, you are absolutely stunning in anything you wear, but I do like the idea of studying what you put on your body..

Sanchez Gang said...

Of course I will say after photo but you are beautiful either way! I would probably get type 3 as well. But i already know that i am bossy!! LOL i hope you are having a good summer. we need to plan a lunch date!

Unknown said...

I just learned about that this morning. It is so interesting isn't it.
You totally look great dressed as a type 3. It reflects who you are so much better. I hope you do more blogging about this subject. I'd like to hear about the things you're learning.