Ya know...I used to be able to contribute to a conversation. I used to be able to tell a good story, or maybe even a joke or two. Now, I wouldn't go so far as to say that I was "funny", but people would at least indulge me by laughing at my attempts anyway.
Bragging? No. You see, this is something that most people can do. However, I've now found that years of stippled conversation has taken its toll on me and now I'm left with saying such things as "yadda, yadda" and stumbling over my words, trying to get a complete sentence out.
Here is a teensy example of my daily conversations (which usually take place while I am on the phone):
"I was talking to Joel about {Mikayal, you stop that right now} maybe going to {I said STOP stepping on your brother's head!} Ireland! Wouldn't that be {Do I need to send you to time out!!} so much fun?!"
Now imagine that same conversation when I am kid free:
"I was talking to Joel about....umm....uh, maybe going to Ireland. I found a great deal on tickets, my mom could watch the kids, yadda, yadda, yadda...wouldn't that be so much fun?"
Then, to top it all of, not only can I not speak like a normal, sane adult...but I've also been saying the strangest things at the most awkward times:
Friend- "I recently went to a funeral where the preacher said some really harsh things to the grieving family in front of the whole congregation (I'm omitting the actual event...just in case)"
Me...feeling awkward and wanting to change the subject- "When I was a teenager I wanted to have a pink casket and be buried in my studded belt and skate shoes." (who.says.that?!?!)
All eyes turn to me.
Friend -"Um, so this place is really fun! We should definitely come here more often."
(and by "we" I'm pretty sure she meant everyone but the psycho who thinks about the details of her funeral).
What is the moral of this embarrassing story? I desperately need to have more adult conversation. I think it's a mix of being nervous around adults who aren't challenged in this department, not being around other adults very often (or at least without kids), and not being able to have an uninterrupted conversation.ever.
Joel~see...I need to have more girl's night out. It's imperative to my mental health. seriously.
Just found your blog while I was browsing,
I think I actually LOL'd, and I don't do that often :)
Wait...you mean there IS such a thing as having an "adult conversation" AND not having it interrupted?!?! I thought it was a myth..... ;-)
This is SO true!! I felt like I was reading my own story reading this tonight!! We have the same problems here! I am not sure I actually KNOW how to have a normal adult conversation any more! Ha, ha!!
Amy Wicoff
Okay, that WAS absolutely hilarious! Not only was it terribly funny but SO TRUE...for me too I mean. I seriously need more adult conversations!
and more girl time.
I think that this is why book clubs were invented!
I do the same thing, I stutter and say um, it's like I am waiting to be interrupted, since I always am. I love your posts!
So true, I never seem to get through a conversation, and we end up going to another subject in between each child yelling that I never hear the end of any story!! Once my kids are old enough that this wont happen anymore, I will be so old and crazy, I still wont be able to have a full conversation!! hahaha
BAHAHAHAHAHAAH! Seriously LOVE this post! I feel the exact same way! I talk in past tense when its present tense. LETS HANG OUT!!!!!!
so funny. I clicked next blog and there you were. Love it!
yes, girls nights out are great..we all need more ;)
beautiful baby!!!
I'm a mess in conversations too.
Here's a blog that serves for your spiritual needs, and will surely be a blessing for you!
This blog has messages from the Holy Scriptures, taught by the Spirit of God.
These will teach us how to have God in all the aspects of our lives and have God's rule over every matter :
Have a blessed reading and gladly write back if you need any prayer help.
God bless you and your family.
hey...i think i was here for this conversation about a pink casket and studded belt.....but i don't remember thinking it was odd at all. just another part of the conversation!
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