Monday, February 1, 2010

Twilight...what have you done with my wife?

Hahaha! I love this song! You have to listen to all of the lyrics to fully appreciate it. Here's my favorite part:
"Twilight, what have you done with my wife?
Refuses to sleep, reads her books all night.
Twilight, what have you done to my wife?
Now all she wants is the vampire life.
Twilight what have you done with my wife?
She's got the hots for teenage boys and thinks it's alright!"

After my friend's watched New Moon (I haven't seen it, and don't know if I will) they were all talking about how hot Jacob was...all I could say was "Ewwwww!! I just watched Lava girl and Shark Boy with Mikayla. He's sooo little! How could you possibly think he's hot?!"
He might be a cutie, but seriously ladies...we're almost TWICE his age!!


Liz said...

Seriously FUNNY! The song was in my head as I was trying to fall asleep last night. And yet...soooo true!!!

The Mom. said...

bahahahahaha! Bahahahahaah! I cantstop laughing! i loved this! Bahahahaah!

Valerie said...

Very cute! My 5th grade girls are now reading New Moon.

Me said...

Stumbled across your blog via "Next Blog" and just had to listen. Great song and oh so funny. Thanks for posting it and making me laugh!

Raven B said...

lol my sister and I went to see this movie with my hubby my sister went ooooh when he came out and my hubby said um he's 16 thats nasty. And she was done with that lol. Cute