First let me start out by saying: I love my purse! I'm probably going to change out the sparkly beads with fabric, but otherwise I'm happy with it...but then again, I might go all out crazy and add one or two more flowers (watch out), who knows.
Next: Mikayla is pretty much potty trained. It was a lot easier than I had expected. We just had to make it so she didn't have any other option. She "threw away" her diapers, so she knew there was no going back.
Third: I've been sick all week (uhg)..and now it sounds like Mikayla's getting it (double uhg).
Fourth: I was almost in a car accident...but I'm not sure that counts as anything. A guy ran a red light and if I hadn't been paying attention he would have rammed into me. Scared the living daylights out of me (and I was as mad as a hornet that if he
had hit us he could've hurt my baby boy- Mikayla wasn't there). But even tho I was mad, I was also very thankful and I know how blessed I am that he didn't hit us.
Fifth: Joel is in Texas at a concert (Apoptygma Berzerk). I think it will be good for him when he's reading this years from now to look back on some of the fun things that he's done, so I can't leave them out of my blog. He left Friday after work and got back Saturday afternoon. He didn't want to go all the way to Texas, but they don't tour often and they don't come to AZ, so what's a guy to do? Him and his brother scored some free plane tickets and off they went. He said it was a really good concert, but they didn't go on until midnight. I went to see them 7 years ago in Hollywood. The whole time I was joking around about how I would see AFI (for the sole fact that they live in CA....but they live in Berkley, not LA). We'd pull up to a Mickey D's and I'd say "I bet I'll see AFI , just eating a Big Mac (even tho they were Vegan)" just being a dork. Well, while we were in line waiting at the Palace to be let in...who do you think I saw walking by?! JADE! Then we finally made our way in and Jade and Davey were sitting there with Nick 13! I went up and talked to them, mumbling something stupid, totally forgetting to introduce Joel. Good times. As far as going to more concerts, Joel and I are planning on going to Vegas where my mom said that she would watch the kiddos while we go out. I miss going to concerts. I'll get my turn one of these days, but for now my babies need me.