Monday, July 20, 2009

Helmet Hair

I'm supposed to be sleeping right now, and heaven knows I'm exhausted, but I can't because I am dreading tomorrow. Hunter is going in to get his DOC band (helmet). I know that it really isn't that big of a deal, and that there are so many other things that are worse. It's not that I'm embarrassed, I could really care less if people either stare or avoid looking at him. That's their problem. No, I'm sad that my favorite part of this phase of his life will be gone. I love snuggling with him and feeling his fuzzy head on my instead of soft baby fuzz, there will be cold hard plastic. NOT the same effect. Oh-well. That's just the way it goes, and he only has to wear it 23 hours a'd better believe that for that one hour I will be right there smothering the poor boy.


The Mom. said...

Oh I got so sad. The way you put it was so depressing. And yes you better smother him! HE IS ADORABLE!

Liz said...

That is understandable! Hugging a little boy and feeling the soft snuggles are just so fun...and hard to give up...remember the good things to come from this decision. And totally take advantage of that hour!!!!

Nicole said...

I know how hard it is when something happens that isn't what you had planned for your child. You don't have to explain yourself, moms are allowed to be sad with out any explination at all. Hunter is one of the cutest little boys I have ever seen and no helmet is going to change that!