Monday, June 29, 2009

Give me some TYLENOL!!

I LOVE this age! The crying-all-the-time phase is over, they can't crawl yet, and it's before the tantrums begin. I was looking at my sweet little boy yesterday and he's getting so big. I seriously almost started crying. Hunter is going to be our last and the thought of him not being my little baby just makes me so sad. I know they have to grow up, and I do love each phase of their lives...but he's just so sweet right now! Granted, "sweet" isn't how I would describe him at this precise moment, him teething and all (I saw a top tooth this morning!)...but most of the time he is all smiles and loves to flirt. He is so ticklish and any time you need a smile to lift your spirits all you have to do is tickle his tiny feet and you'll get the biggest smile and giggle to melt your heart.
Hunter was a big boy when he was born (8lbs, 9 oz..15.5" head) and I...well, I am not. And while I didn't provide much room for growth..he grew and grew nonetheless. Due to the cramped living conditions he was stuck in one position making it so his neck and jaw didn't develop correctly. Well, now my poor boy has to do physical therapy once a week (which insurance doesn't cover) and he might have to where a "power helmet" (as my friend so affectionaly calls it) to help reshape his head. The doctor said he was in the grey zone...he doesn't need it, but he could benefit from it. They are by no means cheap (nearly 4 G's) and I've heard many things suggesting that his head shape will fix itself...but I don't know what to do! What if it doesn't!? I want all of your thoughts and what you would seriously do if you were in my shoes.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Doctor said it...not me.

Finally, there's another outlet for my hypochondriacal (yes, that's a word..I googled it) tendencies. The Doctors. It's a new tv show with a panel of, you guessed it, doctors. They talk about all sorts of fun health conditions for me to stress and worry about. However, today they talked about something that I am personally very familiar with: tantrums. As some of you may know, I happen to be living with the Queen of tantrums herself. You can imagine my suprise when on the show they said (and I quote with all of the modesty I can muster) "You know this is a sign of intelligence, right?". Ahem. Why, yes...yes I do. (don't mind me as I brush my shoulders off). And because a doctor on tv said it, then we know that this must in fact be a true statement. So, next time I have to drag my daughter out of the store kicking me in the face, clawing at me, and screaming like a banshee because I wouldn't buy her a Spongebob Squarepants party hat, I know that the looks I get will be only those of pure unadluterated jealousy. Don't hate me because my child is smarter than yours..oops, did I just say that?

(I hope all of you can tell that this post is dripping with facetiousness..yes they did say it was a sign of intelligence- to which I let out an involuntary laugh- I think perhaps they were saying that to make us a feel better. However, sometimes I think the only thing that could cheer me up in the middle of a tantrum is a shot of something very, very strong...however, I don't drink.)

* I seem to write a lot about Mikayla's tantrums, and well...that's because she is exceptionally talented in that department and it seems like the majority of my days are spent in either trying to discipline her for her outbursts or trying to avert an oncoming fit. However, her temper is an extremely small part of her. She has the best imagination I have ever seen in a 2.5 year old, she loves to laugh and it's so contagious that you can't help but join in. She is so silly and so full of life that I wouldn't have her any other way...tantrums and all.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Knoch Knock

"Knock, knock"
"Who's there?"
"Chicken, who?"
"Yummy chicken!"

"Knock, knock"
"Who's there?"
"Orange who?"
"Orange banana!"

Funny, right? hmmm...well Mikayla thinks she's absolutely hilarious. I personally find the way she cracks up at herself to be the best punchline I think I've ever heard..well, at least the cutest if nothing else.

She's been doing these random knock knock jokes for about a week now and she'll do about 20 in a row before she gets tired of it. It looks like the Mills/Bobo sense of humor runs in her blood as well..poor girl.