Thursday, March 5, 2009

When Are you Coming Home?!?

My poor husband absolutely hates it when I call him and ask him when he'll be home. Yes, it's true..sometimes I call because I want need to know when he'll be home because it's like having my light at the end of the tunnel (especially after a really hard day of never-ending screams and crying)- I need him to take the kids so I can breathe. But that's only part of the reason why I call. I like him. I like having him here. I like seeing him come through the door and Mikayla rush to greet him. Before we had kids it was me who would be like a little puppy dog just waiting to hear the sound of his truck pull into the driveway. I would always get so excited. I would always (and still try to) make my hair look a little nicer and touch up my make-up. So there you have it sweetie...I love you...that's why I call. (now that I've thoroughly embaressed him!!Sorry!)

So what spurred this seemingly random thought? I found a blog that gives fhe ideas and she had a talk on there and this caught my eye:

"Your Refined Heavenly Home" by Elder Douglas L. Callister.
"We must not “let ourselves go” and become so casual—even sloppy—in our appearance that we distance ourselves from the beauty heaven has given us. Every man has the right to be married to a woman who makes herself as beautiful as she can be and who looks in the mirror to tidy herself up before he comes home. Every woman has a right to be married to a man who keeps himself clean, physically as well as morally, and takes pride in his appearance. A husband should hurry home because of the angel who awaits him, and that angel should be watching the clock awaiting his arrival. "

I LOVE that last part and I really do hope that he thinks of me as his Angel and that he looks forward to coming home.


Payne Family said...

I totally know how you feel! My husband hates it when I call him for the same thing, but I do it for the same reason's you do! So you are not alone. Seriously I thought I was reading my own thoughts.

Powell Family said...

I love this post! I do the exact same thing with Nick and what a cool quote. I copied it and will put it on my blog. Thanks!

The Mom. said...

So sweet.

Liz said...

Awwwww! So adorable! Now you just need to convince him that he showers right when he gets home on your behalf...hee hee.

Westover Bunch said...

I love that talk, I have never heard it before!!  It is so true, I cant wait for Matt to come home!