Well, I'm still preggers (and yes, my edd was Friday- I guess that's why it's called "expected" due date not "certain"). So to keep myself from going insane, I've been getting ready for Christmas- getting all of the shopping done...a little too much shopping. Also, I've always wanted ornaments that had some meaning behind them and that represented each year we've been a family, so I decided to make mini double sided scrapbook ornaments:

So far I've completed years 2003-2007. If you want to know what I used to make them (it was important to make them unbreakable since there happens to be a 2 year old who likes to knock the tree over running loose in my house), then I'll post it on pumpkin patch a little later.
My mom also came down this weekend to help me out with last minute baby stuff- and she painted the nursery for me!! So, my bags are packed, clothes are washed, nursery (almost) done, and the house is pretty much clean...any time he's ready I am too! We still need a name..but we'll probably have to wait until he's here.
It is good to keep busy. Occupy the mind before you go stir crazy!
I love this idea. Some year when I have some extra time I think I'm going to do it.
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