Okay, so I reeaaalllly want to get my hair done. BUT I can't decide if I should just hang tight for a year or two and wait for it to grow out and just learn how to work with it until it's the length I want, or if I should cut it. So...I'm putting it up for a vote.
Long (taken 5 years ago):
Short (taken after I had Mikayla..so almost 2 years ago):

I like it long. :)
Since it looks so good both ways, I vote for what ever will be easiest to do everyday. You are going to have your hands full(er) in a couple months, and the last thing you want to fuss with is your hair style.
Oh yeah, Hi!
I'm partial to long hair but I like it both ways. Whatever you choose you'll always be pretty.
Long Hair Is soooooo Pretty on you!!! Go for long hair! But I agree with Leah, Your hair will be in a pony tail almost everyday! With two kids you'll never do it. Or maybe that's just me. :)
My vote - short. You are such a spunk that it fits you. Long hair is nice, and will work well to put in a ponytail on those days (which may turn out to be many - you'll have runon hair days). The short hair frames your face better...and you (Ruth) tend to "do" your hair more when it is short.
Just my thoughts...
I like your hair both ways. I think I like it better short though. Do what you like though. I think your a hot mama wither way
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