Here you go, Liz! Sorry it's so blurry...Joel was watching something on tv and not really concentrating on taking a great picture (obviously). I had him take 2 just in case, but he chopped off my head in the other one (so you're stuck with a blurry picture but at least my head is fully intact).
You look so GREAT! I miss you Ruth! We will have to get together next time I am in the neighborhood :)
You are soo adorable pregnant! I wish I looked that good when I was 30 weeks! :)
Joe always cuts off my head too! He says that it doesn't matter since people only want to see the belly anyway.
Okay, you are adorable! You look like I did at 4 months! So who won the scrape booking contest?
Thanks Goober! You really are adorable. I wish I could just hug you and that little bump! Well, I don't know about you, but I am ready for you to have my little Nephew. I want to squish my face into his little body and "sacrifice him to Zorcon the Space God!" Maybe he'll even let me suck on his little thumb. I really hope you are doing well and that Joel is treating you like the Princess you are. If not, I'll come and stub his toe (etc.). I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!
blurry or not you are so dang gorgeous!
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