Monday, May 26, 2008

Too late to knock on wood...

Well...apparently, fate doesn't like to be tempted. I got worse. Then Thursday night as I lay in bed hacking up a lung (I didn't care, I was still determined to go and my bags were packed), I heard Mikayla cough. I thought she was all better...but I guess not. It was at that point that I sighed and admitted defeat. I wasn't about to take my sick baby to smokey old Vegas. So, Joel got to spend the weekend gambling (for charity...mostly), going to Blue Man, eating at famous restaurants, going to the Las Vegas Temple, and staying at Caesar's Palace. And then to top it off he went golfing this morning. Man, life's rough for the poor guy, huh? Well, one of these days I'll get a break. I'll keep you posted on that, but I doubt you'll still be reading this in 2011 when I go to Ireland.


Nikki said...

You poor thing. I will still be reading in 2011

Unknown said...

Holy freak NO WAY!
That's terrible!
I would be so mad!! So mad.
I'm so sorry!
But... gambling is bad.

The Jacksons said...

Hey, Ruth we found you! Here is our blog,