Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My Whole Life

My husband is a lot of things, but emotional is not one of them. He's not a romantic. He's not one to sit down after a long day and talk until the early hours of the morning.
It was a little bit hard to get used to in the beginning of our marriage, but I've accepted it now, and I'm fine with it.
So imagine my surprise to his response when I casually mentioned something that, quite honestly had such a small impact on me that I forgot to say anything until later that night.
You see, on our way home from church-it was just me, and the kids, Joel had to stay after-I was stopped at a 4 way stop sign and there was a silver truck to my left. While I was waiting for him to go, I noticed that the car coming from in front of me wasn't slowing down. I knew he was going to run the stop sign and the truck to my left wasn't paying attention. The thought to honk my horn came and left without me doing anything.
Tires squealed, smoke rose, the little red car hit the tail end of the big silver truck. And there I sat. Untouched.
I recounted this story to Joel, expecting him to say what he did.
"Did you stop?"
"Yes. I gave her my name and number just in case. But it wasn't serious. Everyone was fine. Just a little dent."
And then I looked over to him as he knelt down, about to say his nightly prayer, and he quietly said,"Thank you for paying attention."
I smiled and gave him a wave of the hand in an 'it's nothing' sort of way, but then he continued saying that he really appreciated that I was paying attention because his whole life was there, in my car.

I sure do love this man of mine.