(I'll post preggo pics tomorrow...I can't figure out how to get the pics of my hubby's new camera..which since I'm a photographer I probably shouldn't admit that...)
I'm almost 26 weeks now and I'm feeling a bit...um huge
(it doesn't help that my dear sweet husband likes to add sound effects every.single.time I bend over).
"You're not fat, you're pregnant!" Yes. Yes, I am...but there's not a baby in my behind.
I don't know when it started, this obsession with finding our faults and our flaws. Having contests with other girls to see who wins for the worst self-image. It's a cycle: someone insults themselves and you can't say "Whoa, yeah...I totally see what you mean. You're butt
has gotten a lot bigger since the last time I saw you!" so instead you say. "What?? That's nothing. Have you
seen the bags under my eyes? And these wrinkles! Don't
even get me started!"
Well, if you're looking for flaws, you'll find 'em. If you keep pointing them out over and over
(and over and over) then pretty soon that's all you'll see. That's how it was for me. Years and years of focusing on flaws instead of seeing the original beauty has taken a toll, but I'm not only affecting my self-image...but my daughter's as well.
I was having a particularly bad day filled with self-deprecation when I came across this blog article. Amazing. I love it. Read it.
Cardigan EmpireDid you read it? Yes? You're welcome.
Don't be hatin'. Love who you are. If you're scarfing down the cookies, then don't complain about it when it hits your rump. If you have healthy eating habits then embrace your bootiliciousness. And wrinkles? Me? Oh, no, no...I don't have any of those. I just have proof that I love to laugh ;)
(I bet you have the song stuck in your head now, huh? I don't think you're ready for this jelly, I don't think you're ready for this jelly, 'cause my body's too bootilicious for ya babe!)