Why do I blog? Well, it's really the same cliche answer: It's my journal. I've always been terrible about taking the time to sit down and write in a notebook about my life (I always wondered who would ever want to know about my day to day life?? Plus, I could never remember where I had put my journal, or I'd remember after I had already gone to bed), but this way I can get out everything I want to say about my trials, my joys, my hopes and (this may sound a tad morbid, but) if something were to ever happen to me, I want to have a place where I've written down any words that my children might be able to learn and grow from (usually just thoughts about what I'm going through at that particular moment).
So, when my friend started doing this, it inspired me to do the same. It's simple really. There's a list of questions and you answer them.
day1 - yourself with 15 random facts
day2 - you and the person you used to be close with
day3 - the cast of your favorite TV show
day4 - the person you have "liked" the longest
day5 - your favorite memory
day6 - a person you would love to trade places with for a day
day7 - your most treasured item
day8 - something that makes you laugh
day9 - person that has gotten you through the most
day10 - person you do the silliest things with
day11 - something you hate
day12 - something you love
day13 - your favorite band or artist
day14 - someone you could never imagine your life without
day15 - something you want to do before you die
day16 - someone who inspires you
day17 - something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
day18 - your biggest insecurity
day19 - you, when you were little
day20 - somewhere you would love to travel
day21 - your favorite night
day22 - something you wish you were better at
day23 - your favorite book
day24 - something you wish you could change
day25 - your favorite day
day26 - something that means a lot to you
day27 - you and a family member
day28 - something you are afraid of
day29 - something that always makes you smile
day30 - someone you miss
So, here goes!