In case you don't know me, let me just tell you that I am not ushy-gushy (well, unless you're talking about a book...then I say the more mush, the better!).I'm pretty sure this is the reason for my lack of saccharine on this blog. Don't get me wrong, my heart is melted several times a day by the innocent musings of a one year old and a three year old. For example, I crack up every time Hunter attempts to balance himself on one foot as he slowly tries to guide his other tiny foot into my 4 inch heels, then proceeds to wobbly walk down the hall with both arms up, looking quite like a little monkey, his instability continually threatening his composure. Or when my beautiful daughter and I lay down on the couch together for quite time, she puts her forehead on mine, squeezes my cheeks together and then gives me a huge crooked smile; I've never seen a bigger smile than hers. Then she wraps her little arms around me, cuddling close as we continue to watch our movie. No, I'm not a gushy person or a mom that incessantly talks about the pride and joy of being a mother (I'd be talking all day if I did that!haha, j/k!). My kids don't necessarily put on huge displays full of lollipops and kittens, but they give me little tastes throughout the day making me wonder how on Earth I ever lived without these rays of sweet beauty in my life before.
This week I'm going to make it a goal to post about those little things instead of focusing on the "other" stuff. Sometimes I find that I need to redirect my focus.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Art that means something
I love interior design. Anything pretty just makes me smile! Well, I was watching HGTV awhile ago, and I noticed that all of the accessories they had, while pretty, were totally and completely useless. They had no symbolism, no importance, no special meaning...just bits and pieces of expensive, pretty eye candy. Well, I am a cheap when I buy something I want it to be something that not only is aesthetically pleasing, but also makes me happy because it represents something I hold dear. Well, they don't sell personalized artwork at the store (especially art that has my family in it), so I smooshed everything I love together and here's what I came up with! I've printed it out on canvas and I love it!

Let me know if you want me to make one for you!
Let me know if you want me to make one for you!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Too Much Information

I find myself thinking about motherhood a lot lately. It is by far the hardest job I think that I could ever imagine. Not only because of the hours (although they are brutal), not only because of the lack of sick days and vacation time (which is zero. Most likely if you are sick, so are your children. So on "sick days" you have to actually work harder. The same goes for vacations...the extra work it takes to make everyone happy and to have everyone fall asleep and stay asleep in a hotel is a nightmare...and the drive...oh, the drive. I shudder just thinking about going on "vacation"). It's also the eternal perspective; it's my job to make sure these little ones grow to be good people. That they try to make righteous choices. I am the farthest thing from baby hungry one can be. I am TIRED all of the time. My "me" time consists of sitting in a dark room on a hard chair on my computer while itunes plays Mikayla her lullabies because she has to have mommy there. It wouldn't be so bad, except my bum starts to fall asleep after the first half hour. There is crying and whining....lots and lots of whining. Tantrums and games where dropping food and chucking sippy cups to see how many times mommy will fetch, fill my day. No, I am definitely not baby hungry. Then why...why when I see a necklace filled with numerous charms engraved with children's initials do I feel like someone's missing. Like I have charms on my necklace that are blank. No, I don't want more children, but I'm wondering if this feeling will go away...and if years down the road I will weep because I looked into the future and instead of trying to see what would be the best thing, I pushed through to see what I think I want: sleep, travel...things like that. No, I don't want more children, I have two happy healthy blessings. I couldn't risk having a child who isn't healthy. But in my mind's eye I see those blank charms, and my heart breaks just a little.
Monday, April 12, 2010
You want a hair WHAT?
Who ever knew you could have so much anxiety over someone else's haircut? Well, those of you who have seen Mikayla lately have probably noticed that her hair looks a teensy bit like a rats nest...she doesn't let me get within a 50 foot radius of her with a brush. So, this morning I told her that she could either let me do her hair or she could get a haircut ,"they're going to chop it all off!" I warned....she chose the haircut. So, I called up a salon/spa that donates hair to locks of love and set up an apt. for that night.
We had an awesome girls night out. First we went to go see the movie "How to Train Your Dragon" {she has a big dragon that she LOVES, so it was fun for her to actually see it in a movie!}. It was her first movie in a theater, so of course we loaded up on popcorn, blue icees, and chocolate! Then we headed over to Dolce's {the salon} and got to business. After I was done hyperventilating, we walked in and she was so well behaved as her lovely curly locks were hacked off. I may or may not have teared up...

We had an awesome girls night out. First we went to go see the movie "How to Train Your Dragon" {she has a big dragon that she LOVES, so it was fun for her to actually see it in a movie!}. It was her first movie in a theater, so of course we loaded up on popcorn, blue icees, and chocolate! Then we headed over to Dolce's {the salon} and got to business. After I was done hyperventilating, we walked in and she was so well behaved as her lovely curly locks were hacked off. I may or may not have teared up...

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