It turns out that my sweet angelic daughter is turning out to be quite the little imp (and I mean that in the most affectionate way possible-okay, so maybe that is a
slight exaggeration). She is just so sweet one minute and then so
mischievous the next). She'll kick her brother and then go running down the hall laughing with little squeals of delight, her frizzy curls standing on end making her look like the lead singer of a bad '80's band. I can almost see the pyrotechnics shooting up from behind her. I'm at a loss of how exactly I should be disciplining her. I'll send her to her room- okay, I'll carry her to her room kicking and screaming- and then after a couple of minutes of her throwing things against her door, I'll go to talk to her. I open the door and kneel down to her level with a stern look on my face (ready to be the jury, judge, and executioner) when she comes walking over to me- head bent down in shame- and as she looks up at me with her big blue puppy dog eyes, she reaches for my face, stroking it lightly ending with her tiny little fingers just under my chin and in the sweetest little voice she says," I'm sorry mommy" and proceeds to give me a tearful hug.
What, may I ask, am I supposed to do with
I'll tell you what, this whole being a mother stuff is quite draining. There's nothing too physically challenging, even though I do have to carry a large sack of potatoes, er I mean baby, around all.day.long while vacuuming or lifting two year
olds out of closets they shouldn't be playing in- but I'm not out in the 110 degree heat digging trenches all day. And yes, while I do have to figure out how to outsmart a rather
perseptive two year old, it's not like I'm figuring out quadratic equations all day long (and yes, dad, I know you'd argue that that's not difficult). I think it must be the hours. Up all day and most of the night just sucks all the life out of a person, leaving them drained. However, I must admit that while the hours are long, the benefits package is GREAT! Who needs a hospital when you have a sweet little girl there to kiss away your