MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Geneology - Family tree charts
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008

We had a wonderful time at Disneyland this past week. Mikayla was a dream while traveling, she didn't cry at all. She went to sleep right away everynight, and took her nap without fussing in the slightlest. It was so fun to see her face light up when she saw Minnie mouse (aka "Mimmie"), went on the rides (she loved the winnie the pooh ride), and while we watched the parade.

On Wednesday we met my sister, Olivia (she was down there vacationing in Palm Springs), at mine and Joel's favorite beach: Huntington. Mikayla was scared of the water at first, but she had a lot of fun playing in the sand.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The only thing to fear...
Let's talk a little bit about phobias, shall we? Some people have a great fear of spiders, or likewise snakes. That's understandable, seeing as they can kill you. Some people are deathly scared of heights...while being high up can't kill you in itself, there is some definite risk in when it comes to falling. Now let's go to my phobia...puke. I know "nobody likes throwing up" or "But you feel so much better after you do!" blah, blah, blah. Seriously, I'm petrified of the stuff. If I even think there's a possibilty that I might throw up, my hands start to sweat and I have to start to try and breathe slowly-in 1,2,3-out 2,3..So, imagine me waking up today to a baby covered in puke. After I picked myself up off of the floor, I was actually pretty surprised at how well I took it. I managed to breathe in that certain way that becomes instinct once you become a mom- in through the mouth, out through the nose- strip the sheets, strip my daughter, and march straight for the bathtub. She seemed fine, so I thought that it was perhaps just the soup I had made her for supper the night before (considering that that's what the sheets were covered in..mmm, yummy). So I fed her a bottle and we took it pretty easy. Then I laid her down for her nap, still doing well. About 20 minutes later she puked again. No big deal...I guess. We went through the drill again (strip then tub). She wanted to stay in the tub and just sat there eyes half closed. The poor thing was so tired. After I finally pulled her away from her "fun" I took the glider out to the living room and rocked her as we watched the wiggles....then the bomb went off. I, luckily, still had the towel in hand and managed to play catcher with much more speed and agility than I ever thought possible (I also managed to not pass out, which in it's self is a minor miracle) only a drop on the rug! And then off to the bathtub we went. While I think I managed alright, I don't want a repeat performance, and I definitely don't want to be the understudy!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you...My daughter!
The talent in my family is spilling over. (Please, hold your applause until the end-and remember, no flash photography). You can see by the wonderful technique used here, that my daughter is quite the budding musician. Yes, yes...she makes me so proud (tears are actually welling up in my eyes as I type). Now..I must say, I can't take all the credit for this beautiful musical display of epic proportions, as I believe it does in fact come from her fathers side. So thank you Nickles...thank you for teaching her well. Her talent will not be wasted.
(This is totally for you Liz!!!)
(This is totally for you Liz!!!)
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